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  1. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Luigi top photo of luigi is from today (2/23) the other 2 are from yesterday (2/22) I have no idea what color he is but he is beautiful
  2. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Awesome, you will be busy! That's good she will be going to a great home
  3. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @B&B Happy goats thank you! How many do you have kidding? My doe Cami is due either March 12th or april 1st. I can feel her kid(s) moving but there is hardly any udder growth and judging by last year she starts "uddering up" about a 4-6weeks out photo below is of Cami in the morning before...
  4. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @animalmom thank you! I am thinking that the buckling is polled. I'll have to look a little better at sarabi(doeling)
  5. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Buck/doe twins from Lillie! The doeling is red with a white poll the buckling seems to be chamoise (sorry I don't think that is spelled right). Mom and kids are doing great! I saw both nurse and Lillie passed her placenta!
  6. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Her little beard Her shape has changed to more of an oval than a circle
  7. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @MiniSilkys Thank you! Good luck to you as well!
  8. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Lillie this morning before eating (it was 6:15) I woke her up and moved her to the kidding area since we are due to have rain for the next 5 days and she is due Thursday (first due date) my brother checked on her at 11. I asked him to check on her and send a pic from the top if it wasn't...
  9. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Cami has started acting real "Bucky" lately. Blubbering and trying to mount Bella (who is not in heat) she also has started headbutting Lillie away more often than she used to. 6 days until Lillie's first due date!
  10. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    excuse the red clay on her, she has gotten so big!
  11. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @StarSpangledNubians it looks like Lillie has grown a beard. Although it is hard to tell if it's a beard or just winter hair. I'll try to get a picture this week (not sure if they will want to come out of their shelter, it's supposed to rain all night tonight and all day/night tomorrow) Look at...
  12. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @Goat Whisperer thanks so am I! She is settling in well! She is bred for June if she took on 1/22 will be the first Fox kids she is the one that constantly tries to dart out the gate. She was feeling quite frisky on Saturday
  13. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    poor girl is getting so uncomfortable. (There is a third goat that eats with these 2 lol) Lillie is starting to turn away from grain which is not like her at all(not that you can tell in this photo) she has started to breathe heavier and grunt as she gets up and lays down lol I was able to...
  14. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Lillie's udder. First due date (day 145) is 2/22 so it's coming up soon! I'm loving how her udder is coming in, I can't wait to see after kidding udder! I believe we felt either two kids (one high above rumen, other mid left side) or one large kid really hoping it's not a large kid that she...
  15. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Update on Cami. Her udder is starting to get pudgy! Think it's safe to say she is bred! Her latest due date (day 145) is April 1st
  16. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @Goat Whisperer same here! Must of been something in the water last year...hopefully it's out of it now the kid(s) were insanely active today like rolly Polly active lol at least they were all healthy last year and all found great homes with people that keep in touch with me It depends on when...
  17. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @Goat Whisperer thanks! Can't wait to see some of Charlie's kids! My next doe due should be Cami and she should be due on April 1st, I haven't seen/heard her in heat since her last breeding on 11/6 going to try to draw blood to check for pregnancy on her and Bella even though I do believe Bella...
  18. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @Wehner Homestead thanks! So I was able to feel Lillie's kid(s) moving today! I was also able to let my 9 year old nephew and his mom feel it today so excited Here is a photo of her little under coming in. So far it looks like she is going to have longer teats than aameerah did as a ff (fingers...