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  1. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @Southern by choice I am! @OneFineAcre that's awesome! Bella came back into heat today so she isn't bred (unless it's a false heat but I really don't think it is, it's been 22days since she was bred). I think I'll breed her for fall kids since she is open
  2. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Sweet Lillie! (When she wants to be ) Lillie in the background and cami close up
  3. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    That where I first tried it then watched the video and tried where it said, at that time I couldn't hear anything but I was able today! On an odd note I've always felt kids kick higher on the side more than low (in front of udder). I had/have a video of kids moving on my doe Cami from a month...
  4. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    This is the spot. This is not my doe lol
  5. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    I had tried to use it about a month ago and couldn't hear anything so they have to be about 3 months pregnant. I watched a video on the fb groups I'm in so I knew where to look. It took just a few minutes, you do need to use the ultrasound gel. Trying to get where I can draw on a photo to show...
  6. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    So I had a spare minute to use a Doppler on Lillie....we heard a heartbeat! So excited I told her had to be a girl she is definitely more friendlier than normal and I have been getting her used to the milk stand and having her udder handled so hopefully when it's time to milk her she will be a...
  7. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @StarSpangledNubians your welcome. @southernbychoice she is bred, she is forming a nice little udder and has gotten very round (will try to get pics of both her roundness and udder in the morning before she eats) (yes I know eating has nothing to do with size of udder right now but it does with...
  8. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @StarSpangledNubians so far Lillie (my ff) has not grown any sort of beard. She is due Feb 26th
  9. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Lillie is definitely getting chunky (whether that is from pregnancy or not is yet to be determined). That being said her udder is starting to get "pouchy" so fingers crossed for kids in late Feb/early march. hoping to use a fetal doppler on her this weekend to see what we can hear. She is due...
  10. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    We breed Bella to fox today! If she took day 150 would be may 8th. That being said she possibly short cycled last month at her previous owners as they had her due to come into heat last week
  11. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @StarSpangledNubians thank you! She is friendly too
  12. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Have not been on for awhile so I figured I'd drop in. Lillie is showing zero signs of being bred as of now so I'm almost 100%sure she did not take the first breeding which would have her kidding around Christmas time, if she took on the second breeding she is due around 2/22/19. Cami can be due...
  13. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @Southern by choice bose has to be gotten from a vet correct? I have selenium and vitamin e gel on hand now would that work?
  14. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Can pregnancy hormones bring on a heat like that or should I assume she is open? That's alot like life too, you have one plan life has another
  15. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    So I jinxed myself saying that about cami yesterday. Went out to the pen and she was flagging and Everytime Charlie talked she would SCREAM and flag more lol
  16. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Thanks, I have not seen a heat since the last breeding
  17. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Your welcome. It will be really neat if that's the case. Would help alot (even though there is no guarantee that it would work 100% of the time
  18. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Lillie is a ff, I will watch and see. I know on my last ff she did not grow a beard at all but it's interesting. Are yours Nubian or Nigerian?
  19. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Excuse lillie's tail I was supposed to go to the NC State Fair show but my car wouldn't start that morning, I was going to fix her tail and shave cami that morning (was up nice and early for it lol) taken today of my chunky girls lol