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  1. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    So I am thinking that Cami is most likely bred. She is usually pretty standoffish and now comes up for back rubs/head rubs so either she is bred or she has finally accepted me (I've had her since August 2017) either way I'm happy (especially so if she is bred)
  2. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Hey guys! I haven't been on in a while so figured I'd go ahead and post my breeding schedule and due date(because we all know they go on that exact day ) The bucks are new to their jobs (born Feb and March this year) The first breeding was of mh5t pt Lillie and wings & Caprines il jasper on...
  3. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    I haven't posted anything for a little while so here are some photos The girls :) moonpie (left) aameerah (middle) cami (right) cami aameerah (back) Lillie (middle) moonpie (front) moonpie aameerah (my favorite doe but shh don't tell the others ) lillie
  4. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    Haven't posted in awhile so I'll add some photos of the girls :) aameerah was off grazing while everyone else was in front cami doing what she does best...hollering Lillie doing what she does best too screaming because aameerah wasn't by her side moonpie being beautiful (and super quiet) she...
  5. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    Best set up photo I was able to get by myself. Can't ever get help lol aameerah, she was a bit hunched lillie^ would of been perfect if I had moved her hind legs forward an 1-2inches... Saw it in the photo lol This is one of the LOUDEST goats I've ever met. Take her out of the pen literally...
  6. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    I have made monsters I milk cami and aameerah in the morning then pasturize give Cami's milk to Charlie and these little monsters have claimed their momas milk
  7. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    Thanks! I'm just as excited as you are! I know he was your favorite I am really thankful you decided to let me have him :)
  8. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    Here are some semi-better (I think)photos, still going to try for photos this weekend maybe not so much this photo...he kept trying to suck on my finger,knuckle whatever he could get lol so he is a little hunched again bad I need to just focus on getting photos when I have help...
  9. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    @Wehner Homestead thank you, definitely something to consider lol
  10. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    Brought home my future herd sires! So excited. Will get better photos when it's not all rainy and I have help lol. They are quick to learn walking on the lead (yes teaching them early to walk like a show goat right down to setting them up when we stop) Charlie (red goat) sets up himself which I...
  11. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    I try not to drink to much soda one every few weeks or so (basically when I need that extra little something to get going lol) my brother's on the other hand drink a Ton of soda lol I'm sure they don't mind it lol
  12. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    @Wehner Homestead what can I say? I love me some mountain dew and they claimed it On a more serious note I'm really surprised they took to it, they are 3 weeks old and never been offered one before lol
  13. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    Just for the fun of it I offered a bottle to Remington and ruger,. Remington took to it almost right away Ruger was more interested in being pet than eating but he finally figured it out
  14. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    You'll have to forgive the looks they gave me, they were more than half asleep (especially Ruger the black one) he was sound asleep standing up with his eyes Open.
  15. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Udders- Good/Bad/Ugly/Improved UPDATED! 3/12/18

    Thank you! I thought it was nice but wanted some more experienced people's opinions. I just really wish she had bigger teats would make it so much easier to milk If that was to me lol @Southern by choice
  16. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Udders- Good/Bad/Ugly/Improved UPDATED! 3/12/18

    This is an udder of my first freshener who is raising twin bucklings at 16 days fresh. Definitely need improvement on teat size and fore udder attachments other than that I am pretty certain she has the best udder in my herd. Maybe some better MSL, higher rear attachment? Do you see the...
  17. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    Some better photos of her udder. She does have a tiny pocket in front. She by far has the best rear udder attachments, could use a little better in the front since she has a tiny pocket but overall the best udder in my herd thus far. 16days fresh So I need to improve on fore udder attachments...
  18. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    Milked aameerah for the first time this morning I got 1.5 cups (would of been more but she kept jumping around and into my little container for the first 5 minutes or so) I don't think that's too bad considering she has twin bucklings on her and she is only 15days fresh. Only complaint I have...
  19. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Upcoming kidding season at sweet Horizon minis-kidding season is over 7/7 bucklings born

    Thank you both Aameerah is a wonderful mom I also think moonpie let's them nurse some (moonpie is aameerah's mom)