These sweet boys have a home lined up as wethers when they are weaned, they also have names (from the new owner) Remington (tan one) and Ruger. They are 2 weeks old today :) separating overnight to milk their mom for the first time, wish me luck lol she is a ff ruger Remington
I would critique her udder but I'm still learning myself so I can't say good or bad unfortunately.
I do however think that others would want to see her with a fill before giving their critique
Sorry I wasn't of any help
Hopefully soon. Sorry to hear about your daughter, I had a friend growing up who had it and she lives a very happy life at 18 right now
If that weather doesn't get them to kid maybe you just need to go on a trip
Fingers crossed they go soon so you can get some sleep. Cami was that way with her ligs about a week before she kidded but her udder hadn't changed like yours has :)fingers crossed
Do you have WiFi in your barn? If you have an old phone you can download Alfred security on both the old phone and...
Some photos of the does...not the best but trying to take photos of goats by yourself.... aameerah^
moonpie thinking I have treats look how steep that rump is...will work on improving it on kids :) sorry about the angle had to use the selfie camera on my phone
cami stretching as far as she...
So do I! @whener homestead any luck with your girls?
I got new weights on Cami's kids today.
3/24/18 they weighed
Black and White (Simon) 8.5
Buckskin (Alvin) 8.5
Tri (Theodore) 7.5
Today 3/31/18
Simon 10lbs
Alvin 9.5 lbs
Theodore 8.5lbs
Aameerah's kids weigh
Tan (gold?) And white weighs...
Yeah it's crazy I'm wondering if there's something in the water or maybe the fact that both bucks names started with "T" lol all joking aside I'm happy for healthy babies from the 3 girls and no complications giving birth
Everybody I know that has goats has had at least 1 doeling born. The one...
They are both bucks (will be wethered) this has truly been a buck year for me. All 7 kids born on the farm have been healthy males and each doe had a black with minimal white lol