Milked cami for the first time this morning. I got 1 and 3/4 cups from her with a 12 hour fill. I don't think that's terrible considering she is nursing triplets
She has poor fore udder attachment so I need to work on improving that with her kids : ) I also have to work on teat size...hers...
@MiniSilkys congrats! Hopefully she has them soon hoping for healthy happy doelings (unless you want bucklings then hoping for those lol)
Are you checking for ligaments here? Wrapping your finger around the tail head is not always the most reliable
Oh I got a measuring stick in so I'll be able to get accurate heights! So excited to try it out. Work has been crazy busy so I haven't been able to try to get heights at all, my measuring stick just came in today so I'll give it a go either tomorrow evening or Saturday morning at milking
@MiniSilkys sorry I won't be able to get measurements today, it has been pouring out since I got home and they are not wanting to come out of their shelter and I need each of them on the stand to get a proper measurement
@Wehner Homestead it really is. My older brother went out in the pasture the other day while I was at work to put the shelter in and he told me when I got home "the babies definitely are friendly and not afraid of people" I was like "yeah that's what we want" lol
The kids :)
^ Theodore is on the left (teddy x cami) chip on the right (teddy x moonpie)
Simon is on the left (teddy x cami) chip is on the right Alvin (teddy x cami) is in the feed dish Lillie is the white one
Theodore up close and aameerah in the back
He saw me
he had to come...
@MiniSilkys I will try to get the measurements this weekend when I can have someone help hold. I currently do not own a buck I can post photos of the ones my does we're bred to.
I will be getting a buckling(s) in the next couple of months
^ this is gypsy moon HS He is bred to my doe yipper...
@MiniSilkys I do not have a measuring stick to measure them. I know Cami is more petite and I did a rough measure (with your standard measuring tape) of moonpie but she wasn't behaving. She was crouching down and sitting back against the stand. It was one of her first times on it (trained her to...
The new boys playing :) their new owners want to call them Alvin Simon and Theodore :) so I just have to figure out who is who lol
The broken buckskin was the smallest weight wise at 2 lbs, followed by the black and white at 3lbs and the buckskin at 3.5lbs
Cami's kids. They have a home lined up to where they will be loved as pets :) all 5 found homes on the day they were born Cami's are all going to my coworker :)