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  1. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Finally got a semi-decent pic of moose(atleast I think lol
  2. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @D and L Meadows any tips on getting good pics?😂 on a slightly more serious note, do you think if I milk before work, right after work and before I go to bed that it would improve production? I feel like Lillie is drying up even with being milked completely out(to the point I can’t get any even...
  3. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @D and L Meadows thanks! Tried getting better pics lol @rachels.haven yeah my mom named him moose but his actual name is mighty moose😂 mom said he looks like a moose🤷‍♀️ Yes he definitely thinks he’s a big guy😂
  4. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Moose has graduated out of my room to the barn stalls with his sisters! He is still so much smaller than his sisters!
  5. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Thank you @rachels.haven ! I am now upto 3.5cups of milk between the two does this morning. Unfortunately when Lillie’s bucklings left before her doeling her production dropped even with me milking her out twice a day so she gives between 1-1.5cups a milking right now. I am getting a dairy goat...
  6. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Thanks! Yeah I know the pics are not the greatest😂 right now I’m not planning o keeping both but plans change😁 Sending a link to the website where I got my buck from. It shows Ruth and then Charlie’s full sisters(previous kidding and the one he was born in) and half sisters...
  7. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Took the soap out of the molds today! They smell so good! Can’t wait to get to use it
  8. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Maple(or mable idk lol) will get better pics on Wednesday when I have an adult to help lol, my niece isn’t the best at it Marigold^ she was sucking on my finger and I am not left hand dominant for photo taking😂(or anything really lol) This pic^ cracks me up! She looks so tall, long and skinny😂...
  9. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @MiniSilkys lol. Sorry to hear about Dixie, hopefully she is alright. Keep us posted? @D and L Meadows thanks! I’m not sure, I think my buck may have a tiny one somewhere, planning on shaving all my goats this summer so we shall see! Lol
  10. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    This is a pic of marigolds tail zoomed in from another pic, thoughts?
  11. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Well...I now have 3 bottle babies. I’ve been keeping an eye on them and Bella all day and bella’s Udder got increasingly full/tight and she would not let them eat(I even put her on the stand to let them eat and she jumped around and kicked and acted the fool) they are a week old and took right...
  12. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Made cucumber melon soap today with the help of my mom and brother.
  13. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @MiniSilkys thanks! I like Mabel! I’m seriously considering retaining marigold(Goldie) lol we have just clicked and she is just gorgeous (to my eyes) everything seems to just flow together with ease, everything just seems to blend together. That being said I’m planning on keeping both until...
  14. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Mighty moose😂^ Marigold(Goldie)^tentative name Nameless doeling. Trying to stick to “m” names Lillie’s doeling
  15. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    @D and L Meadows you have beautiful goats! Thank you for the pics of your set up! My little buckling (whim my mom has named mighty moose...)
  16. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Photos of the girls this morning (they are currently curled up asleep on my lap😂) The little buckling is doing really well now, I have him some b-12&selenium gel and he perked up and ended up eating really well for mom while I was at work. Upto 2 ounces
  17. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Above two are doelings Photo shows how little the buckling is! We went ahead and pulled him right away, his temp was 94* at birth😬 got his temp up to 101.5 for 20 mins(without a source of heat) then gave colostrum from Bella and a bit of milk from lillie(milked her this evening)
  18. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Bella had triplets! She had 2 large does and one itty bitty buck. Buckling weighs in at 1.7lbs Gold and white doeling weighs 2.10 Buckskin with white and roaning weighs 3.94 One doeling is retained😁
  19. Sweet horizon Nigerians

    Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

    Still no kids, ligs are definitely starting to get harder to find. Hopefully kids tomorrow. @D and L Meadows that’s interesting about the difference in testers. That makes a ton of sense as far as letting the moms get to know the kids through the fence, the does don’t try to get the kids to...