Just left the vets after the ultrasounds. Moonpie has at least 1 kid we got a video of the heartbeat will try to upload it to this post.
Cami has at least 2 kids got a video of hers as well was not able to get heart beat but did get them moving all over the place
It's telling me the file is too...
Felt moonpie's kid(s) move! (Finally!!) Was after I lightly "bounced" her stomach. Right side in front of udder
Her udder shot from today she had one leg stretched back
Thank you! Took these tonight, anyone want to guess just for fun how many cami will have? Her previous owner said last pregnancy with triplets she hid it very well, they thought she would only have twins
Lol. Yes I was paying attention lol I need to learn all I can from experienced people good to know thank you
I have been able to tell they have softened some but haven't had any lose them yet (or I think that they lost them) for me to know for sure i can figure it out lol
As always super...
@babsbag atleast you have the dates which is more than I do lol. I looked up online where to try to feel for ligs (although I'm sure you have already aswell but I figured it wouldn't hurt) and took a screenshot. Hopefully it can help. I was really lucky, before I ever got goats my friend had...
It is just so crazy how the kid(s) position could cause such a big change in shape lol (at least I'm guessing that is why she sticks out more on her right side this evening So I should for sure keep a closer eye on them (especially moonpie) even though their first (possible) due date isn't for...
I swear every evening when I look at the girls they are getting bigger and bigger, especially moonpie, I took a photo of her this morning and this evening and she is definitely bigger this evening this morning at about 6:40 before breakfast (theirs)
6:40 this evening before dinner (theirs lol)...
Photos taken tonight, their ligaments are starting to soften! Cami has been holding her tail a little cockeyed lately can still easily feel ligaments on both does. Moonpie is starting to "hollow" out at her tail head (I'm starting to be able to get my finger under it)
Went and looked at the girls this afternoon and it looks like they have doubled in size lol
(Sorry for poor quality of Cami's photos, she wasn't sitting still and was standing in the shadow of my horse lol)
Yes I have a lamancha wether lol (loves to photo bomb )
I can not wait for kids...
@Sunset Spring Farm
I had considered getting a Nubian before but I'm not sure how crazy my neighbors would be about that lol (I sit back 1/10 a mile from the road but you an hear neighbors easily )
Well the soonest they could be due is Jan 13th or they could be due beginning of March.... They were with the buck from Aug 14th-oct 14th.
Yeah it does stink but I do have a vet that will do the blood work (cae, johnes, pregnancy test and so on) that is actually closer (5 miles from me versus...