Still no kids... ligs are BARELY therefingers crossed for a safe delivery of healthy kids hopefully today! If not let it be tomorrow when I’m off work😂
She is at day 146 and seeming quite miserable.
On the plus side I know her kid(s) are still good in there as I saw one kicking and pushin on her...
Just came in from checking on Lillie, still no kids... can barely find her ligs hasn’t dropped (atleast not a ton the kid(s) are definitely lower)
She let me walk up to her while she was laying down (which never happens) and is constantly wanting petthis photo(above) is from this morning.
Oh I forgot to tell you all about my dream about Lillie!
In my dream she had 2 kids out in the pasture(I have her in the barn now) both looked buckskin at first glance but as you got closer they were gold, she was still in labor as I got out to the pasture. Once I got there I went to pick a kid...
Her udder is filling nicely!
Her ligs are still getting softer as the time goes by. Her due date is tomorrow! Unless she follows my boss’s son lol he was due 10 days ago and she had him today! So happy about that!
Lillie had her kids last year early morning so we shall see when she decides to...
You can really tell where Lillie’s udder is starting to fill in this side by side photo!
she seems like she is getting bigger! All photos above were taken today (3/18)
Photo below was taken 3/15
I do not have any with horns. I definitely would not get a hay net with all the little holes in it. I almost lost a goat to one of them (managed to get a leg and head in a small hole, how I have no idea lol)
The hay is alfalfa from tsc as that’s the only alfalfa anywhere near me.
So I went out with Lillie this morning, checked her ligs still easily felt stayed out there with her for about 20 mins just living on her (which she actually wanted she is not usually a super lovey goat) I believe she is positioning her kids!
She was doing a lot of stretching and arching(think...
Here’s some before/after of Lillie’s kidding clip.
I’m trying it a bit different this year since it is a good bit warmer now than when she kidded last year.
I usually do not do that much on the legs, usually just the backs but I figured why not? Lol
I separated her today as she is being a total...
@MiniSilkys how old is Dixie? Unfortunately with very still being young that’s not his max height.
That being said I’ve heard of many does kidding at 7 months with little to no issues.
In my experience ff start getting a puffy udder around 2-2.5months bred if at all possible try to be there for...
@Duckfarmerpa1 hey! So the “kidding clip” is where you shave the back of the back legs,udder and do a show tail.
I’m not sure if you would want to do that since it’s cold there or not. This photo shows it done already(does need cleaned up).
I’ll do this to another doe this sat/sun(weather...
Hopefully having baby goats in 12 days! Last year she went exactly 145 days so it will be interesting to see if she does this year as wellthese photos were taken yesterday evening (3/7/20)blue was enjoying the sunshine yesterday (first time in about a week that was nice out😂)
Yes piper is...
Thank you, I know in horses the roan is like you said white hair interspaced with dark hair, I don’t know anything about “agouti” except what I’m learning from you! Thanks!