Thank you! We just got home from picking up two LOVELY does from the good people at wingin it farms ! I now have three goats from them and love everyone of them! The newest girls are wings & Caprines lisianthas and wings & caprines foxy's Roxy. Photos are courtesy of wings and Caprines dairy...
So as some of you may know I am going to my first show with Lillie,sarabi and two new does(jrs) on April 13th. I shave Lillie yesterday and sarabi got shaved and tattooed today... Sarabi was wonderful to shave (minus the super loose skin that you had to pinch and pull to get her smooth lol)...
That's great! I'm really hiphopto be able to be there when Bella has her kids.
So I just had to milk Cami. Her udder was uneven (was uneven yesterday but on the opposite side) I decided to just take until I would have to bump kids had just fed before I milked her and I didn't milk all the way...
So I was looking at cami's kids heads and it looks like the buckling is polled and the doeling will need disbudded (the kids still need names so if anyone has any ideas feel free to post them, so far we have a Nala,sarabi,Luigi all from Disney shows). Here are some (ok at best) photos of cami's...
@misfitmorgan thank you! Lol I definitely thought about it
The buckling weighed in at 5.5lbs this morning and the doeling at 4.2! They are the biggest kids born on the farm! I think they are both polled as well
The boy has white poll and frosted ears/muzzle photo above and below is of the...
@Southern by choice thank you, it was but also really surprising about having all boys born lol. I'm going out now to get weights and pics of them dry it is wierd with color lol she is the only does that I've been present for births both last year and yesterday
@MiniSilkys hoping for healthy kids from Bella
It's kind of funny, my last doe I'm waiting on (due in June) is also a Bella lol.
Thank you! All the does that were bred to Charlie have had twins
@Goat Whisperer Cami was still chewing cud in between contractions hopefully she doesn't have them in...
@Goat Whisperer thanks! I'm glad she gave me a doe this year. Charlie's kid count is at 5 does 3 bucks. I just had to put that question out there for her to have them!
Lucky guess on the coloring. Every litter she has had (the two litters before I got her and last year's here)she has had at...
At 7:52 Cami welcomed a BIG buckling, at 7:54 she welcomed a little DOELING! I will get weights in the morning. Both have nursed and are Very talkative. Excuse the afterbirth in the pics doeling is on the left in the side by side pics for size comparison photo under this is the buckling next to...
She is having contractions but no actual pushing, scratch that she just started pushing!!! I believe her udder is bigger this year than last.
She gave one huge push as I was typing this
@Goat Whisperer yes I am lucky lol I keep telling her that same thing "the sooner you have them the sooner you don't feel so huge" lol that's awesome, her kids are out of keigh? I know you are excited. Yes it will be, I think she will have a buckskin and a buckskin with white like last year but...