I had one person who had never heard of showing a Dairy Wether! They asked me if he was a Boer. I told him that he was a Nubian/Saanen Mix and he then said that you cannot show dairy goats! He kept arguing with me and insisting that I cannot show Dairy Goats, even though that they had their own...
Hi! My name is Caity! I raise Poultry to show through 4-H and Market Goats for FFA! I showed Dairy Goats last county fair for my 4-H leader, and loved it! I am getting my own soon (Creeper and Buster) and am extremely excited!
The two wethers that I'm Buying are recorded grade, so their names are:
Buster (don't have a reason!)
Creeper (Stalks you when it's dark... jk. he's just very friendly!)