Thanks for the replies, I read that they digest 88% of it, but that seemed hard to believe to me. If they did digest that much of it that would be great, and as you said, the chickens enjoy the "left overs". I think I will stick to rolled, it just costs twice as much.
If you put them in the ground don't worry about them in the winter, they should be fine. Mine will be in a tub, and I will have to find someplace that does not freeze to keep them alive, I am not sure how you would clean out under your cages, sorry.
Is it ok to feed whole corn to steers? I have a good source of whole corn but it seems so hard, can they eat it and do they get any good from it?
I checked the tank for moisture and it seems about right, it is not soggy at all, almost on the dry side, only one rabbit drops into this tank and the tank is about 4 feet long, the rest of the cages I clean under weekly and deposit into the garden areas. Do I need to add any bedding for the...
I have a large horse water tank under my rabbits that has about a foot of droppings in it. To this I am going to add my worms. There is a lot of room so I think they will be able to find a comfortable place as far as mositure and temperature. In the summer we go to the lake on our fishing...
Ok, worms go in this weekend. I will keep everyone posted on how they do. This, to me is very cool. I have always wanted to raise worms for composting, and rabbits for garden fertilizer, now I am doing both, sweet!
I know people who will breed at 12 weeks if they show all the signs of readiness. She has a fantastic healthy productive herd. She breeds only for meat. I have started breeding earlier as well, with a fast breed back rate.
I know red worms are good in compost bins under rabbits, just wondering about nightcrawlers. We do a lot of fishing and I want to know if I can use the european nightcrawler instead of the red worms...It seems I read somewhere that different kinds of worms ate different things. I am worm...
Can we get these weights on a sticky post somewhere? Or are they already? This is information I think a lot of people would get use from, I know I will!!
One of the reasons I got into rabbits was for the pellets, my garden just loves them! Straight from the catch bucket to the garden plants. I have great hopes for my garlic this year, it is totally mulched with bunny stuff....
Thank you for the replies! They are so cute, we thought it would be fun to own some, maybe when the trees get bigger and don't have branches within easy reach.
Thanks again!
We have a pasture that we planted a lot of small pines and various types of evergreens. They are still under 5 feet tall, are Alpacas inclined to eat evergreen trees?
Thanks for any advice...