The only reason I could think you would want to freeze it was maybe worm eggs? Mine is outside so no doubt it has already frozen, a couple times, but I fed it to them before it ever froze and never noticed any issues. I am curious to this as well.
Maybe you can find a farmer and buy a bale. Hay was high here this year but we got really nice grass hay for 10 dollars a bale. That is for a 75 to 100 pound bale, it will last my small heard about a month.
We have actually killed a few wild ones on our little farm. Not sure where they came from but had a time getting rid of them. They have a specific smell, we could always tell when we had them in the barn, plus all the poops laying around. They would do fine outside, we have -0 temps in the...
I was wondering about my buck, then my other doe produced a nice litter of nine.... She is very receptive, only thing I can think is maybe I let her get to fat. To me she looks good, no big droopy areas but she is heavier than when I got her. I examined her real good, no babies in there, so...
No babies, couldn't feel any either, she has a nest box but did not make a nest. I put her back with my buck, keeping my fingers crossed AGAIN. This is the second time she has not had a litter. If this one fails she will become supper.
I thought I felt some a week ago, I will check again tonight when I go home. I was planning on waiting until the 20th anyway, so I guess I wasn't too far off. Thanks for your input!
I am so jealous! I have been trying all year to find a SF doe. I have a beautiful buck, but SF are not very common in Southern Idaho! Congratulations, you have a great looking bunch there!
Thank you! I am looking forward to it. We are going to raise 4 and sell 2 this fall, keep 2 until the following year, we will then sell one and process the other for the freezer. If it works out well, I plan on doing raising more to sell. We really need something in the pasture, if not I get...
I am getting mine for 125 each. I have been searching for weeks on craigs list, newspapers, on line, and found these on Craigs list. They are not from the auction thank goodness, I have terrible luch with auction babies.
We live on the edge of a desert, sage brush, lava rock, and lots of deer, plus the guy next to us gets cattle and sheep from the auction every year, maybe I will go ahead with the vaccine to be on the safe side.
We are in Idaho, not near the parasite problem here. So the Bovi and the 8 way at 2-3 months? I see online I can get a 5 dose bottle of Bovi Gold for about 7 dollars, since we will be getting 4 calves that sounds like a good way to go. Thank you so much, I wasn't real sure what all I needed...
Since I gave up on getting cow calf pairs for our little pasture, we decided to get some 2-3 week old bottle babies, these are well started angus/hereford crosses. I have raised bottle babies before (long time ago) and can't remember what I need to do shot wise to keep them healthy. Are there...
We decided against these, will probably just grab a couple cheap corrientes again this year. Like I said, we do like the meat and with just the two of us we don't need a really big beef cow. Our steer last year had a hanging weight of 511, not a monster by any means, but enough for us.
Good to know, thank you! The heifers I am considering are halter broke, so maybe wouldn't have a flighty issue......and I will not get a bull regardless. I will have to do some more checking, I sure don't want a temperment problem! I figure if these aren't bad, and were bred, I could let them...
Hi, I am looking at getting a cow or two for the pasture, and came across some nice looking limousins, can anyone tell me good or bad with them?
Thanks in advance.