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  1. L

    New to goats could my Pygmy be in pre labor?

    OH, sounds like you could be getting close then, I thought you said you got her in Feb. Good luck!!
  2. L

    New to goats could my Pygmy be in pre labor?

    I am thinking, when you got her she was not bred, but is now..... just a guess... keep us posted!!
  3. L

    New to goats could my Pygmy be in pre labor?

    Just count 150 days from the day you got her to be your last possible date, at least it gives you something to go by.
  4. L

    New to goats could my Pygmy be in pre labor?

    Do you have a last possible date? I had one with my doe, as she neared it and nothing happened I figured no baby, and I was right even though to look at her I thought she was pregnant. Now....she is FAT! I cannot figure out how she got so fat! She is on grass/weed pasture with grass hay once...
  5. L

    Question for those who use a cream separator

    Here is an interesting link on cholestrol, learn something new! Good to know the milk is still good with cream removed. I want to make butter but did not want to waste all that milk, so we will just drink as...
  6. L

    Do Holsteins make good beef?

    They do have a lot of meat, of course they can get gigantic! Your cuts will be a little different size and have bigger bones, but we have really enjoyed our holsteins. It takes longer to finish them and they do take a lot of groceries but it is very good beef. Ours were over 18 months and...
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    We are getting to fly season, would that be an issue with banding? Seems like it would be better to band but I am new to this part of goat raising.
  8. L

    Question for those who use a cream separator

    How is the milk after you remove the cream? Is it still yummy? My Guernsey's give a good rich milk, I think I could get a fair amount of cream from it, but I don't want to ruin the taste by removing the cream. I am going to get a separator pretty soon, I am just curious.
  9. L

    New to goats could my Pygmy be in pre labor?

    I went through this with one doe of mine, she ended up not being pregnant.....:( But hoping we can fix that for next year! ;)
  10. L

    Nubian Milk production

    I guess I should say that my girls are on pasture with some grain during milking. I watch them close to make sure they do not lose condition, but so far they look perfect. I expect they would milk more if I gave them hay, but since they are doing so well, I don't see any reason to change...
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    The Taco soup is wonderful, a favorite at our house. As far as the meat haveing a strange texture, that is true if you can from a raw state, now if you cook it first then can it, I like it much better. I did turkey with a cold pack, don't like it, but the steak chili I made is a huge hit! The...
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    Nubian Milk production

    I had a Saanen like that, she just wouldn't stop. Is your FF a yearling? don't know if it makes a difference, mine is a yearling, so I really don't push her, she is still growing. I bought her this spring already pregnant, but she is growing great and looks good. I do hope she produces more...
  13. L

    Nubian Milk production

    my little FF is giving a little over half gallon a day, but her mother gives almost double that, I believe this girl will do well next year. Thing I like most about her milk is how awesome it is, so wonderful to drink!!
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    I canned beef last year, chili, chicken mexican taco soup, only with bunny.... YUMMM
  15. L

    Charlie killed my chicken :(

    I found an air horn works great, you can sit and watch them, when they start after a chicken give them the horn, they HATE the air horn. Or you can walk them by your chickens and when they start getting interested in them, the horn, actually works good.
  16. L

    Feeding goats fodder.

    I so agree, live food is always better than dead food, for animals and peoples... I think it would be a nice bonus for them in the winter when all they get is dry food.
  17. L

    Does the heat affect the milk volume?

    I started adding some apple cider vinegar to the water because I know it is good for them and helps to keep the water fresher. MAN I swear the water consumption doubled when I started that. I think they really like it. I don't use much, I wanted to ease them into it so they would not go off...
  18. L

    Dehorning adult doe....

    I have clipped them, to the point couldn't go deeper or would want to start bleeding, still a pretty good weapon, I have tried taping a stick to her horns, that really helped when she tried to use her horns on the others, it must have felt weird because she quit, only problem is she worked her...
  19. L

    Dehorning adult doe....

    Anyone do it? I wouldn't but she is getting too agressive with the other goats. If she didn't have horns I would just let them work it out, but I don't want to come home and have someone's side ripped open. I know it happens, the dairy I got my Guernsey's from still has goats with scars from...