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  1. L

    What to do for finish a Corriente

    Just an update..... took our cows to the butcher, had our first T-Bone and it was WONDERFUL! So tender and tasty! Of course they were not as big as a "beef" cow, but we have a LOT of meat in our freezer!!
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    Rex X NZ? Will this work out at all?

    Hooligan Farm, I am curious, is there a specific reason for the Rex/NZ cross?
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    Skinny pig wont grow.

    I had a pig like that, had to actually put him in his own pen, he ate just not enough, after a couple weeks he really started taking off and did real good. I had to make him some "special" food the first couple weeks, but after that he was all pig.
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    Standard Rex for meat?

    On the tanning, if you find something that works please let me know and I will do likewise. Should be fun!
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    Standard Rex for meat?

    I am planning on raising meat rabbits next year and just have a few questions. First of all I want a rabbit worthy of butchering, but I also want to tan the hides, I love the rex fur and heard they are a good meat breed also. If I raise with intent to also use the hides, is there a best time...
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    Need Advice - Interested in some Corriente/Longhorn Heifers.....

    a cross with a good beef breed sure wouldn't hurt! I really wanted to keep Carmella, just because she was always curious and seemed to like people. I had her eating treats from my hand, stupid I know, but hey I like animals. If we had water to the pasture in the winter we would have kept her...
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    Need Advice - Interested in some Corriente/Longhorn Heifers.....

    That is what we had in our pasture. They actually got real friendly, the heifer we called Carmella and she would actually be interested enough in you to lick you, just a touch with her tongue. They were real easy keepers in our pasture, we have really good fence because we live next to the...
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    awesome! How big a place are you getting? How exciting for you! You will probably really like Rusk, I got to be pretty good friends with the local feed store there. Really nice folks!
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    At least the humidity won't be anything new to you. Where abouts in Rusk are you moving, north south east or west? I was kind of south west. Be funny if you were close to some of my friends! It seems weird to even see the town Rusk mentioned, its not exactly a budding metropolis! I liked it...
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    Where are you moving from? I know Rusk, made some good friends there years ago. The humidity was killer for me, but man, spring was just beautiful.
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    Hello from Southern Idaho

    Small acreage with cows, chickens, turkeys, peacocks and butterfly Koi.
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    What to do for finish a Corriente

    ok, I will try photobucket, I have never had any reason to use it in the past.
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    What to do for finish a Corriente

    well that didn't work, try again, guess not, darn!
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    What to do for finish a Corriente

    Here are my critters, I really don't think we will get much meat off them, may have to try a different breed next year. Anyway, advice is always appreciated.
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    Gonna Lope for the First Time

    When I work with green horses I let them get into a nice big trot then just keep pushing them on, eventually they will break into a lope, it will be a big stride because they have not learned to collect yet. As they get used to loping under saddle it won't take long to start the collecting and...
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    What to do for finish a Corriente

    They are steers, I know they are a very lean breed so I won't get the amount of meat from them as a regular beef breed. I did some research and there are farms that raise only corriente just for meat, they say they always wait until 2+ years old to butcher because the flavor is so good and...
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    What to do for finish a Corriente

    Hi, I am new here, and decided I may as well jump in. We purchased a couple corriente cattle for our freezer, they are pushing two I think, not real sure. What do I need to do to get them finished by fall. Now they are on 3 acres of pasture, hay and a coffee can of sweet mix each, mostly just...