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  1. GD91

    Doe mating, but no litter (Update!)

    [TE="JakeM, post: 374350, member: 12092"]Sometimes rabbit just don't want to be pregnant. I am currently trying to breed four different does (2 which are proven) to four different bucks (2 which are proven). I've tried every tactic, but I've only gotten one to take. It just happens. If she has...
  2. GD91

    Doe mating, but no litter (Update!)

    I think she is too fat. I've put her on a hay only diet. She is bigger than she was and there seems to be folds at her hips. She was bred to the same buck that fathered the same last 3 litters and she is under the age of 2 years.
  3. GD91

    Have you read this?

    I was just wondering. Thought it may interest some people. I found the actual guide useful, just waiting for an update. I couldn't actually find much information online, it was all contradictions of what could and could not be fed to rabbits. We are now on hay and pellets over the winter because...
  4. GD91

    Have you read this?
  5. GD91

    Doe mating, but no litter (Update!)

    I have a proven doe whom is an excellent mother. She is approaching 2 years old (more or less) and I cannot understand why a few times I have witnessed her breeding with the buck, but there are no litters produced. She has produced 2 litters this year, one litter consisted of 7 kits, the second...
  6. GD91

    How do you avoid timewasters?

    Wow, that is bl#/dy awful! Well, unless she wants to tackle our 6 stone Rottweiler & 3 stone bull terrier, I doubt very, very much she will get through our side gate. :lol: I would have been raging in your shoes, I don't breed dogs, but I have 2 friends who do. One breeds akitas & the other...
  7. GD91

    Grass feeding is a success!

    We just provide them with unlimited grass & hay. Surprisingly, when I go out & pull the grass, I actually now take a good long look... It's long, stemy, wild grasses. Some of it is of course hay to. I collect 3 bagfulls (plastic carrier bags) every 3 day's. You get a knack for pulling grass...
  8. GD91

    How do you avoid timewasters?

    Was really annoyed today. I have had this woman "harassing" me for a bunny for FREE for her daughter. Sent me loads of messages trying to persuade me to give her a kit for free. I held firm & told her it was £20 a kit (standard price here). She reeled off this sob story about how her daughter...
  9. GD91

    Should I just give up and cull?

    First off, let me tell you my story... Got 2 does & an unrelated buck. Spent FIVE MONTHS trying to breed them. Tried seperation, tried colony setting, gave more space, reduced space, put them in a shed with lighting, put them outside.... AAAAARRRGGGHH! Finally produced 2 decent litters at the...
  10. GD91

    What are the daily chores for owning a rabbitry?

    I am a rabbit nut, so I check mine 3 Times a day & check feed & water twice a day. Health checks are daily. Thorough health checks are weekly. Depends how much time you are willing to dedicate. Definitely plan extra time though, just incase.
  11. GD91

    Grass feeding is a success!

    Kinda don't know whether to feel annoyed or not. Started grass feeding about 2 months ago. My kits are now massive compared totheir siblings I gave to a ffriend. Its free & I forage it. Grass, hay, weeds, bark & scrap greens. Safe shrubs etc, rabbits will eat anything. My friends got her 2 on...
  12. GD91


    Don't know about it, but I've had a bad cough & a runny nose since I dispatched them . The animals seem ok though. That was a a few days ago now.
  13. GD91

    My Rabbit colony experience

    We didn't have the space in our garden for a proper rabbit colony & gave up after a doe died from a double pregnancy, but we are currently pasturing our rabbits individually with their kits in the garden & it is working very well indeed. Every night I walk the dogs & collect 3 bags of grass...
  14. GD91


    Oh great :eek: well the cuts a bit red around it & my nose has been a bad all day with runny clear & colored snot (sorry TMI) & I've got a tickly cough. Been hot, but its a very warm, airless day here anyway. :fl For the common cold, otherwise I'll have to see the vet, um, doctor. :eek: Apart...
  15. GD91


    Well I'm having problems. Woke up this morning with a runny nose & a bit of a cough. One of those rabbits scratched me yesterday. Pasturella is not contagious to people is it? :(
  16. GD91


    I saw a woman on tv get one pulled out of her skull once :ep:sick gave me nightmares for weeks. It had burrowed under the skin & was sitting between the skin & the skull. She said she could feel it moving! The botfly maggot is a nasty little bugger :eek: never had one here & don't want any...
  17. GD91

    coccidosis? pics

    I would inform her of your findings just so that she is aware. Don't eat the meat. Rabbits really don't do good in chicken coops..... It could be many things, apart from informing her so she can keep an eye on her rabbits, there isn't much you can do. If she chooses to ignore you, at least...
  18. GD91


    Not so good. Just had to cull both of them, one doe was sneezing, wheezing & coughing consistantly & I feared she was displaying early symptoms of snuffles so it was an immediate cull for them both. Posted a thread in the disease section. Might be heading towards my first disease outbreak :eek...
  19. GD91

    New rabbit sneezing

    I just culled 2 does who arrived today. One was sneezing consistently, had bit of a runny eye & had a wheeze, I examined her thoroughly & suspected early snuffles. Her & her companion were culled within 12 hours of arrival from someone who no longer wanted them. I'm now concerned about my herd...
  20. GD91


    Pets at Home in the UK needs seriously re - evaluating. I had a call yesterday from a woman in tears who bought 2 rabbits & a hutch from them a month ago after being told by a member of staff that 2 standard pet rabbits were indeed suitable for children. The outcome was she bought the 2 bunnies...