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  1. GD91

    When can daddy be put in with the babies? If ever

    No..... Just no.... ahhhh, but.... nope! Walking away, not going to comment, just walking away..... :rolleyes:
  2. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    :love How sweet! Of course, it had to be a Silkie! I want some of those. Is it true they are pretty much living incubators? :gig:drool Think of all the eggs I could hatch! :pop
  3. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    Well I woke up today &..... The other rabbits built a nest & had kits to. We have 7 babies in each nest, a total of 14! :weee Even DH couldn't resist an excited peek into the shed & he's normally a very reserved kind of guy! Luvmypets - Did your hen have any other eggs or was it just the one...
  4. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    Ok, recount, there are at least 6 kits & they are big babies! She's been being a typical doe ignoring them now they are here :fl Any health issues I should look out for? I checked her vent earlier & she was spotting blood, I'm going to check again tomorrow & see if it stops. The previous doe...
  5. GD91

    Lesson Learned

    Its hard to tell. I had my 2 does both reject the buck consistently, built nests after a month & produced nothing. 3rdtime lucky & we finally have kits. I also tried putting the does back believing they weren't pregnant & they rejected him. So they will reject him if they are pregnant or if...
  6. GD91

    New Babies on the Farm!

    Lol, we had our first successful kindling today to. Haven't counted kits yet,don't want to upset the doe :)
  7. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    We've got babies! One doe sadly ate her own litter (didn't even know she was pregnant!) then had a stroke 2 days ago & I had to cull her because she couldn't stand, eat / drink on her own etc(the little lop eared doe that was the bucks sister). What may have caused this? But today I found a...
  8. GD91

    Doe died with 3 week old kits

    Put some soya milk or goats milk or even very diluted cows milk in a water bottle & hang it up. They will help themselves if they want it. Otherwise you can use lactol milk. I've handreared 3 litters, good luck! At 3 weeks they should be pretty independant & eating some solids. If they are...
  9. GD91

    New Babies on the Farm!

    Congratulations, hope you can post pics of the proud mum & babies :drool They will be so adorable at about 3 weeks.
  10. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    I have one buck, but he's a dwarf lop :( I plan to get a bigger buck. I also have another doe which is his sister & another dwarf lop. Both small & both very sweet with wonderful temperments, but not really what I wanted. Then I have the 2 big mutt does which are pretty big, with good dewlaps...
  11. GD91

    Rabbits living together?

    I thought I'd post my 2 cents... I've tried keeping my rabbits together. For some reason it works for a couple of weeks before fighting breaks out because of ONE doe who is too submissive for her own good. BUT, there is rabbit rules & rabbit manners. For a buck to repeatedly pursue a doe when...
  12. GD91

    Thankyou for getting back to me so quickly about my rabbits.

    Thankyou for getting back to me so quickly about my rabbits.
  13. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    I'd considered culling her. The only reason I haven't is I only have 2 large does at the moment. One of the does (the white) is nice, the brown one is the problem doe. I was thinking about waiting until I could keep a doe or 2 back from the white doe & then cull the brown doe. I wasn't...
  14. GD91

    Is my bunny lonely?

    I've found rabbits like to socialize off their own "space" but once they are back in their own established space they will usually defend it. The only exception I ever had to that was a long coated x lion haired doe who would adopt anything small & soft into her space. She fostered many baby...
  15. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    Also, whilst discussing the does, I'm very concerned about the behavior from one of the large does. Even when she is not pregnant, she is frequently stamping & running away. When cornered she becomes aggressive, growls & lashes out. I can't handle her without protection from a thick coat &...
  16. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    Congratulations on your new litter! :celebrate We are further south in the North West UK. The UK was fairly mild here & the rabbits didn't seem to mind. I see your in Canada. :) I've tried palpitating the white doe, I could feel a line of lumps along her abdomen to the right hand side, are...
  17. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    Hmmm. Right, well, I've just been out & I can feel the ribs & haunches with a thin layer of fat over them. Its their stomachs, they both look & feel very heavily bloated, literally like giant furry balls on feet like I wrote. :idunno The white doe is rounder than the brown doe & spending a lot...
  18. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    OK, So I inspected both does today & they both have very heavy with dirty bums, which tells me they are too overweight to clean themselves properly. They are large mutts & look like furry balls on 4 feet. The does are in hutches currently & we have always been freefeeding scraps & mixer. Do I...
  19. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    I'ts also a possibility the 2 girls are too fat :( nut I guess I'd better get another buck. Its impossible to get a "proven" buck where I live because nobody breeds & eats rabbit except me :\ I'll just have to see if I can offer a good home to a mature buck :)
  20. GD91

    Does can't seem to have litters.

    I'm having serious issues with my rabbits. I have a very young buck (approaching 6 months) whom I've been giving the benefit of the doubt. :oops: The rabbits do seem to be mating successfully, the buck thrusts hard & squeaks / squeals & falls off the does who lift properly & are more than...