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  1. HoneyDreameMomma

    Goat in Hard Labor, But Not Dilated

    Our doe, Blossom, lost her mucus plug about 7:00am this morning. She started very noticeable contractions nearly 2 hours ago. The past 30+ minutes she's been pushing hard, so much so she's panting and running out of energy. No bubble has presented, and what I'm more concerned about, she has...
  2. HoneyDreameMomma

    March Kidding--Anyone due and want to wait with me??

    Our girls have starting kidding! Our first doe, Sophie, went nine days early, and took me by surprise. She had ligaments when I checked her less than 24 hours earlier, no other signs at all, and then *boom!* I go out for the afternoon feeding, and there's a tiny, weak doeling in the pasture...
  3. HoneyDreameMomma

    LGD loves his goat kids...maybe too much - suggestions?

    One of my older goats might have solved the issue. She gave birth to twins last night, and although she let the dogs help clean up, she is an experienced Momma, and won't let Clyde near her or the kids when it's time to nurse. I think I'll still have to watch him carefully, because she's our...
  4. HoneyDreameMomma

    Pregnant or problem?

    :thumbsup Glad to hear she's putting something down. We're all keeping our fingers crossed on the pregnancy. :fl Keep us posted! :pop
  5. HoneyDreameMomma

    New from northern Michigan

    Welcome! Sorry I don't have any good suggestions for a powerful charger. I've been looking into electric fencing myself, though, so that's something I wouldn't mind knowing. I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. There are lots of people on here with great advice, so I'm sure someone will...
  6. HoneyDreameMomma

    Baby buckling...

    So glad to hear that Cooper's coming around! What a lucky guy he is to have you. Although from the way you talk about him, sounds like you're lucky to have him too. He's a little charmer. ;)
  7. HoneyDreameMomma

    LGD loves his goat kids...maybe too much - suggestions?

    This is Clyde's first kidding season. He's only five months old, so I had been concerned about him being too rough with the kids. However, he's just the opposite. He seemed to immediately understand that the babies are 'handle with care.' His guardian instinct kicked in more than it ever has...
  8. HoneyDreameMomma

    March Kidding--Anyone due and want to wait with me??

    I would think if the shelter keeps the wind, rain, etc. out and the bedding is thick, they should be ok. I would definitely recommend a baby goat sweater, though. The suggestion about baby socks on ears and legs isn't bad either.
  9. HoneyDreameMomma

    March Kidding--Anyone due and want to wait with me??

    Two girls - congrats! :celebrateCan't wait to see pics!
  10. HoneyDreameMomma

    One Fine Acre Spring Kiddings (Pictures of the Does we kept)

    Love the color - she's beautiful! Congratulations! :celebrate
  11. HoneyDreameMomma

    Baby Goat Born 9 days early, Help Please

    I actually asked my sister to post this for me, because I was out in the goat yard assisting. We're sure the doeling is 9 days early - her mama was bred the day we got the buck and put him in the pen. Mom didn't have another. She just passed a lot of afterbirth after the placenta. We ended...
  12. HoneyDreameMomma

    Kids just born!!

    Good job, Momma! What a great job filling your exact order! ;)
  13. HoneyDreameMomma

    Labor signs? (Updated with pictures)

    Lol - yup, it seems gross :confused:, but it's actually an instinct to protect against predators. Glad that everything went ok. :)
  14. HoneyDreameMomma

    Fulford Farm's Kidding Thread- 2 more boys.

    Keep the pics coming! What beautiful babies! :weee I love kidding threads - what a fun time of year! (can't wait for my girls to pop - they're all due in the next 2-3 weeks) ;)
  15. HoneyDreameMomma

    Labor signs? (Updated with pictures)

    My understanding is that as long as they pass it within 24 hours, it's ok. I'd watch her carefully for the next little while and see how she does. Be aware if you're not around to stop her, she might eat it, or if you have an LGD, they might.
  16. HoneyDreameMomma

    March Kidding--Anyone due and want to wait with me??

    So cute!!! :love Congratulations! Sounds like your girls have done well for you this year. :)