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  1. HoneyDreameMomma

    Aloha From Hawai'i

    Welcome from North Texas! :welcome
  2. HoneyDreameMomma

    Avery - the Making of a 'Watcher' *pics*

    Update: Avery went back to the possum site several times today, sniffing around and making sure the possum was in fact gone. Hoping she has the basic idea. Unfortunately, Clyde occasionally likes to play with his kills, which is what he did this morning when he ran off with the possum. I'm...
  3. HoneyDreameMomma

    Kidding soon?

    Best of luck!!! :fl Can't wait to see pictures. :pop:pop:pop:pop
  4. HoneyDreameMomma

    Avery - the Making of a 'Watcher' *pics*

    She's almost 10 months old - she'll will be a year old in April, and yes, she is already a very big girl! :) :yuckyuck
  5. HoneyDreameMomma

    Avery - the Making of a 'Watcher' *pics*

    Some of you may remember several months back when we got our newest LGD, Avery. Her Daddy was a registered Pyr and Mom was half Pyr and half Anatolian. We went and picked her out when she was abt 6-7 weeks old and then brought her home when she was nearly 10 weeks old. We picked her over her...
  6. HoneyDreameMomma

    Goat Whisperer's & SBC's kidding thread: kidding storm

    Adorable! :love Love goat kids so much! Still 4-5 more months until I have some of my own, so thanks so much for sharing!
  7. HoneyDreameMomma

    Goat Whisperer's & SBC's kidding thread: kidding storm

    Congrats! Wow on the does - that is fantastic!!! :woot
  8. HoneyDreameMomma

    Olive: Pup Update 4/10

  9. HoneyDreameMomma

    This Is Our New Bunny!

    Congratulations on the super cute bunny! :celebrate
  10. HoneyDreameMomma

    NEW method to disbud a baby goat

    I'm eager to hear how this goes for all of you trying it. Please keep us posted. :pop
  11. HoneyDreameMomma

    Looks like Brownie may kid today.

    x2! Hoping the rest of your kidding season goes well. :fl
  12. HoneyDreameMomma

    *Photo Contest-Any Animal* - Cold Weather Crazy - Ends 01/31/2016

    Those are fantastic snow pictures! Some beautiful scenery and I really loved the ones of Ms. Chicken and Sally. :)
  13. HoneyDreameMomma

    Looks like Brownie may kid today.

    :pop:pop:pop Looking forward to pics! She definitely look ready.
  14. HoneyDreameMomma

    Chiques chicks - my little corner - had to pick hottest day

    Cool - free turkeys! I'm guessing since no one is claiming them you're going to try taking them on? Kind of funny the royal palms hooked up with the wild turkeys. You might tame the wild ones a bit if the palms teach them to come for food. We haven't had turkeys here yet - but I've heard...
  15. HoneyDreameMomma

    *Photo Contest-Any Animal* - Cold Weather Crazy - Ends 01/31/2016

    I am not entering the contest myself, but thought I'd get ideas rolling by posting a few winter pictures. Baymule is correct, we don't get snow very often here in Texas. When we do, my goats are complete babies and hide in the barn or loafing shed, but the dogs seem to enjoy it. The pictures...
  16. HoneyDreameMomma

    We Went To Buc-ees Today!!

    Didn't they used to do those type of signs for some kind of aftershave or something? Although given this string I wonder if it's for a gas station. ;) Regardless, I think they're fun, and I love the ones you have! "That old Bull Is Some Cow's Beau" is priceless! :lol:
  17. HoneyDreameMomma

    Sweetened's 2016 kidding thread

    That's fantastic news! Loving the gold and cream coloring you're getting this year. That seems to be the one set of colors that doesn't come through with our Nigies very often, and it's so pretty. :)