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  1. BantammChick

    The indignities they suffer... LOL

    I have a Great Pyrenees too! He is such a sweetie! Here is a pic of Bolt.
  2. BantammChick

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Thank you!:D I can't wait to see my boy's picture!:weee
  3. BantammChick

    Story of a little chicken

    About 2 months ago I had a hen become broody.Near mid-June,she had hatched a chick.Well,I had to help it of the egg.:sickShe didn't want the chick.Even after I'd set it beside her,she ran off to a dust pile.:somadI stole the chick,brought it in and put it under the heat lamp.At the same time I...
  4. BantammChick

    Guess the Animal Breed, and Gender (For Learning)

    close,he is just a barred rock rooster. Here is another picture.:D
  5. BantammChick

    Yum Or Yuck?

  6. BantammChick

    Guess the Animal Breed, and Gender (For Learning) got rooster right though.
  7. BantammChick

    Yum Or Yuck?

    :ep:ep yum to waffles:drool:drool:drool:drool
  8. BantammChick

    Guess the Animal Breed, and Gender (For Learning)

    Here is my picture.Guess the breed and gender.
  9. BantammChick

    Yum Or Yuck?

    never had it. chocolate cake?:p
  10. BantammChick

    Official Poll: What breed of Livestock Guardian Dog do you prefer?

    Great Pyrenees. That is what my dog Bolt is.
  11. BantammChick

    Caption Contest Submissions - Pictures Needed -

    Is it to late for me to enter? If not,here is my picture.
  12. BantammChick

    Show off your goats!

    This is Billy,my kiko Buck.:lovehe is so cute.
  13. BantammChick

    Show off your goats!

    This is fawn,a kiko doe.
  14. BantammChick

    Yum Or Yuck?

    I've never had it either.Chocolate chip cookies?