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  1. Rebbetzin

    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    It ws a great hit this last weekend!! I only served 1/2 the jar. I cut each ball in half, and served them with some little toasts. They were gone in just a few minutes! I will serve the rest of them this week. I should have taken a photo of the serving plate!
  2. Rebbetzin

    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    Here are some links to articles on using plastics. This is interesting the history of "saran" how it...
  3. Rebbetzin

    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    Another excellent brand of "plastic wrap" is the Saran Wrap Original. I saw a TV program a few years ago on plastics, and at that time the Saran Wrap "Original" was the only brand that didn't impart chemicals to the foods. From what the test were showing, the chemicals appeared to break down in...
  4. Rebbetzin

    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    No, the plastic wrap just sits on the top of the upper pan, holds in heat, steam comes out from area where thermometer is hooked to the side of the pan. Anyway the Costco brand of plastic wrap doesn't seem to be effected by the heat.
  5. Rebbetzin

    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    I will. I just discovered I have been making a type of goat "butter" and throwing it away thinking it was just a "scum" on my whey! Silly me... I skimmed it off, added some salt, and it is the best butter I ever tasted!! It is white of course, but.. I won't be throwing it away anymore!! I only...
  6. Rebbetzin

    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    The cheese is very easy. Heat your milk in a double boiler. I do about a gallon at at time, using my big canning pot and a smaller stainless steel pot that fits inside it with handles that keep it from touching the bottom of the canning pot. If that makes any sense at all... I attach a candy...
  7. Rebbetzin

    Link to Prince Edward Island Photo Book

    My daughter finally put together a photo book of our trip last July to Prince Edward Island. Here is the link so you can see the book she made for us. Let me know if you have any trouble seeing it. Or if you see any typos or oddly worded sentences before it goes to print...
  8. Rebbetzin

    Last Photos of Shadow

    Thanks for all your kind word. The remaining two does are now being "freshened". Hope to have some kids in early summer. She was just the best ever for being a patient girl on the milkstand. Never kicked, stamped her feet, or leaned on me! I will miss her to be sure.
  9. Rebbetzin

    Lavaneh ~ Cheese Balls in Olive Oil

    I was getting tired of my Goat Cheese Tortes. Today I tried a Middle Eastern Recipe for making Cheese Balls. It is really easy! After making the cheese, drain off the whey, put curds in cheesecloth or cotton cloth, squeeze out remaing whey. Add salt, squeeze out more whey, save some of...
  10. Rebbetzin

    Last Photos of Shadow

    Shadow passed away last weekend. She knew she was a very loved goat! Here she is while in labor. The kids were all stillborn. She had injured her udder badly on a Mesquite branch. On Saturday, she was basking in the sun for a bit. Countess came to see how she was doing. She never lost...
  11. Rebbetzin

    Prayer request for an injured goat. Latest Update post #14

    This evening, she delivered the remaining two kids. They were both stillborn. She is doing well, all things considered. She is eating, drinking, gets up and down goes potty. We now have to wait for signs of infection from the wound in her udder. she is on antibiotics. It is just a waiting...
  12. Rebbetzin

    Prayer request for an injured goat. Latest Update post #14

    Nothing good to report, sadly..... She went into early labor yesterday night. at 8:30am started serious pushing, One little leg presented.... Had to go in after him. NOT FUN FOR GOATS OR HUMANS!! One male kid, not positioned correctly, died before birth. ]I had to leave to do some errands...
  13. Rebbetzin

    Prayer request for an injured goat. Latest Update post #14

    Yesterday, Shadow, a four year old Nubian doe, due to kid in 10 days, badly injured her udder. A deep puncture wound done by a broken tree branch, that also made about a 6 inch tear in the skin of her udder, just above the teat. It is a horrible wound! She made it through the night. And is...
  14. Rebbetzin

    whats in your "fall garden"?

    I'm waiting to plant my winter garden, until it gets under 100 degrees!! Maybe by next week? I am planning to put in several types of lettuce, spinach, beets, cilantro, and dill. I just moved my tomatoes so they will get more sun. I hope by December to have a good crop of Yellow Pear...
  15. Rebbetzin

    Morning Glories Blooming

    Wow!! Those look great!! I have one small vine of the striped ones. I hope to get some seed from it.
  16. Rebbetzin

    Morning Glories Blooming

    Today the Morning Glories were so pretty! I have a few different kinds and colors, I am waiting for the bright pink ones to bloom. They are daughter seeds from a neigbor who got them while a young bride in Greece during WWII. They make me happy to see them come back each year.
  17. Rebbetzin

    Link to Prince Edward Island Slide Show

    From what I hear the winters are not as bad as they used to be years ago. At least that is what we heard from the "old timers." I lived in Anchorage Alaska for five years. Those were some of the best years of my life.
  18. Rebbetzin

    Link to Prince Edward Island Slide Show

    My daughter made this slide show from our Prince Edward Island vacation last month Prince Edward Island Slide Show I hope you will enjoy it!
  19. Rebbetzin

    Locking goats up at night? Help!

    We have coyotes and bobcats here, and the coyotes can easily and quickly dig under a fence, and bobcats easily climb fences. Our goatpen has a 6ft chain link fence with rocks and railroad ties around the bottom of the fence hopefully discourage digging under. Last year we lost two lambs and a...
  20. Rebbetzin


    No, I was just using a recipe I found on the web. I have no idea if it is "superfatted"... there are more than double the "fats/oils" than any other ingredients in the recipe.