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  1. Rebbetzin

    Out of all the animals you have ever raised, what was the easiest?

    I think next to my desert tortoise, Chickens are easiest for me. Takes me just a few minutes each day to feed and water them and clean the coop.
  2. Rebbetzin

    Please say a prayer for my neighbors......

    Praying they have good insurance. And that no one was hurt.
  3. Rebbetzin

    My Husband's First Writing Assignment (updated to final form)

    The final form of the assignment was due today, so I updated the original post to reflect the changes he made.
  4. Rebbetzin

    Sad News!

    The lambs were killed by a Coyote!! It dug under the fence at the goat pen! The Goats are all ok. Though the lambs were the same age as the goat kids, they were lots smaller. The goat pen is now hopefully more secure from digging preditors. On a lighter note, I harversted some Basil this am...
  5. Rebbetzin

    My Husband's First Writing Assignment (updated to final form)

    I could be prejudiced... but I think he is pretty special!
  6. Rebbetzin

    My Husband's First Writing Assignment (updated to final form)

    Some of you may know, my husband's company is in the process of moving to South Carolina. He decided not to go. And now he will soon be unemployed after over 30 years with the company. He decided to go back to school. And wants to do something different. He thought being a Paralegal might be...
  7. Rebbetzin

    Surprise, Surprise!

    This morning when I arrived at the goat pen, I was surprised to see two young lambs come out from behind the chicken run! The mama goats are not too sure they want these new creatures around! But the kids appear to be warming up to them. They seem content to spend most of the time off...
  8. Rebbetzin

    First Rain Lily of the Season!

    This morning I was so excited to see my first Rain Lily flower! My neighbor gave me some plants a few years ago. They are now spreading to different areas in the front yard.
  9. Rebbetzin

    Tomato, Basil and Onion Garden (PIX)

    This morning I took some photos of the tomato, Basil and onion garden I planted. There are three rings in the back garden behind the chicken coop. Two I use for different vegetables, herbs and flowers depending on the season. The third ring has a Goji Berry bush and some dill that is giong to...
  10. Rebbetzin

    Great Pyrenees... **UPDATE W/PUPPY PICS on pg 8**

    Puppies are such fun!!
  11. Rebbetzin

    Kids ars getting bigger!

    Here are the triplets, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. (born 4 9 12) Wesley and Buttercup with their mom Countess. (born 4 10 12)
  12. Rebbetzin

    Naughty Shadow!! Need a new Chicken Feeder Now!

    Today was not my day for minding the goats, I am glad it didn't happen on my watch! Poor Shadow somehow broke into the chicken coop, and decided to have a snack of chicken feed. But, got her head stuck in the feeder!
  13. Rebbetzin

    Great Pyrenees... **UPDATE W/PUPPY PICS on pg 8**

    Yes, they commonly have spots. Especially on ears and around the eyes. They fade out pretty much once they grow up.
  14. Rebbetzin

    Countess had twins! Buttercup & Wesley

    Miss Elizabeth is not my daughter, she is the soon to be adopted daughter of a friend of mine. She is a really good little girl!! We all love her to pieces!
  15. Rebbetzin

    Countess had twins! Buttercup & Wesley

    They will be for sale... But, Tucson is quite a trip from where you are!
  16. Rebbetzin

    Countess had twins! Buttercup & Wesley

    These kids came really quickly! Less than a minute between them! Here is a close up of them. Buttercup has white ears. Buttercup looks just like her mom! And today, Buttercup and I went on our first outing. Here she is on the passenger seat in the car. We went to visit our cheese...
  17. Rebbetzin

    Triplets born 2 9 2012 UPDATED post #7

    The eyes will change color, the eyes are bluish when they are newborns.