She’s on hay and water because her poop started looking like dog turds, I’m assuming from all the extra feedings she tricked us into. :rolleyes: We gave her some veggie trimmings and yesterday her poop looked like cow patties. So I’ve cut out the treats to see if it forms back up, if not I’ll...
Can y’all guess the number of kids by feeling her belly? I ran my hand all over her the other day and she LOVED that. I could feel lots of little hard things poking out, but no clue if they were feet or noses. :hu
I asked the staff to make guesses for her kidding- date and number. One guy guessed Sunday, and that she’ll birth one single full-sized goat. The latest is July 27th and 6 kids.
I keeping thinking she might just squirt out a thousand micro goats, like how fish have babies
Lololololol welp, Gertrude got me. She totally did get her grain this morning and then tricked me into giving her more.
I thought she was smart for showing me. Now I know she’s EXTRA smart for tricking me. :lol:
The staff lead the campers through “farm chores” every morning and evening. The staff person came to me this morning and said “I haven’t done morning chores. What do I do?” So I told her to grab a paper. She said she didn’t need to. I said “fill one half of the tray with grain. Just one scoop...
We had a line of strong storms go through Tuesday, but no luck. Today I had to go to a doctor appt in a town an hour away. I’m not quite home yet. So :fl
It’s hard to tell and I know the lighting is different, but I didn’t take pics of her the past few days. So that’s saturday, and this morning.
I know she’s super thin, there’s not much else I can do for that right now. I gave her celery leaves this afternoon and she really liked those. I...
Still hanging in there! She’s acting a bit restless tonight and keeps nosing around the feed and the hay, but not really eating it. Well, she’s trying to make me a liar by scarfing it down. I give her a scoop in the morning and it takes her all day to finish it.
Kids are very active in there...
I have a mentor who gave me a long list of supplements for her, which started with worming. Her coat has improved just this week so I think she’s doing better. It’s one of those “hindsight” things: I thought her rough coat was a breed thing and never considered worms. :hide
I am also working on...
I’m really thinking at least trips or a quad at this point. Of course I have no experience to verify this, but there is a LOT going on in that belly, and she’s having such a hard time standing up in just the past few days.