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  1. campingshaws

    Back for BYH. :)

    Thanks! We don’t have any apple trees, but I’ve beeb cutting other vines and branches for her. I’m on a Facebook group for women in agriculture and I posted about her over there at first. They also didn’t think her to be bred. But I’ve seen and felt kids kicking, and bagging up is always a good...
  2. campingshaws

    Back for BYH. :)

    5 minutes or 5 days? Impossible to know.
  3. campingshaws

    Back for BYH. :)

    Thanks! Yes, believe it or not she has not gotten a bit wider since her sale on May 13, but she’s HEAVIER. This is a May 13-June 13 comparison. You can see she’s more bagged now. I’ve only had one other doe/kidding experience, and it was a couple years ago. So I’m not super confident.
  4. campingshaws

    Farm life is real life.

    Farm life is real life.
  5. campingshaws

    Back for BYH. :)

    Hey y’all. :frow I joined byh back during the major byc site renovations. I still have chickens and other birds, but I also have calves and goats as part of our summer camp farm program. We keep a few different types of animals for education. We have bottle calves Lady and Bocephus, and a...
  6. campingshaws

    BYC Edu thread, keep on rambling - HERE incubation Qs answered, lots of information!!

    Found the secret scovy clutch! What should I do? :lau
  7. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    Cinder lost a little. The RIR I bought. Looks like a goat squished it. :hit
  8. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

  9. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    Which one? I can bring them all if you want.
  10. campingshaws

    Found BYC just in time for transition into BYH

    Good! Glad I could give you peace of mind. :)
  11. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    My pretty mama and me.
  12. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

  13. campingshaws

    Found BYC just in time for transition into BYH

    Now the cockerels! Most of these are EEs, so you know what to look for. EEs are sometimes more difficult because their beards hide wattle growth and the pea combs aren't large, compared to other breeds. Young cochin mix. Definite comb and wattle growth. Young EEs, you can see the red combs...
  14. campingshaws

    Found BYC just in time for transition into BYH

    Ok, I went back through my pics and found some to help you in the future. I don't have the notes on their ages, but it's around the same as yours (more or less). I'll do the pullets first, and the cockerels in a separate post. Young EE pullet: pattern on the breast in subdued colors, pink comb...
  15. campingshaws

    Need 11-week old chicken sexing assistance...

    Speckled sussex tend to look boyish until they grow their curves. Don't worry, you've got a good-looking bunch of ladies! The color in the EEs doesn't have much to do with sex. Bright brassy colors (red or orange) on the shoulders, or uneven patches, and brassy head/neck feathers will...
  16. campingshaws

    Need 11-week old chicken sexing assistance...

    "Still girls" :lau
  17. campingshaws

    Found BYC just in time for transition into BYH

    From what I see they are pullets. What has you concerned about them? Cockerels by 11 weeks would have bright red combs and wattles, sharp and slender hackle and saddle feathers, brightly colored shoulder patches (for the EEs), and the starts of curved tail sickles. Your girls are just getting...
  18. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    Supposed to have feathered legs? Only Mavis. But I didn't see any feathered shanks in your pics.
  19. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    Weather was PERFECT. It was a nice day.
  20. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    Yes, that's the isabel. They can also have lots of color saturation (very clear, pronounced stripes) or more dilution (very faint lines). I didn't see any feathered legs?