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  1. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    LOL no. Those are my eating eggs. See the teensy banty ones?
  2. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

  3. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    OH! :lau they are strict teetotalers, so that would open an unnecessary can of worms. :hide Topaz nips my feet. I guess treat her like a cockerel and pin her down, then carry her a bit? Pinecone bites at me when I add food or water, so I'm carrying her around, too.
  4. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    No wine when there's a group here. But my desserts have been AWESOME. I made cupcakes from scratch with homemade buttercream frosting yesterday. :love
  5. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    I made it! Cooked all my meals, made eyes at all the boys. This has seriously been one of my very favorite groups. :love They are so sweet and polite. And now I'm done! I have a Mother's Day tea with DD tomorrow, then I'm going to take the kids and stay the night with my mom.
  6. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    Maybe you can ask Sally? I need to go to bed so I can get up early enough to cook breakfast. Biscuits in the morning. Hoping BYC is back soon so we can leave this awful motel. :fl
  7. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    But they're smaller eggs? I think it'll be fine. :hugs
  8. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    You can leave them another day, or til you see draw down. I've started waiting for that to put them in lockdown so I don't have to wait as long. :lau Just stop turning. What do you mean straightened out? Like normal or like flat across?
  9. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    I did see that. It is what it is. Ask away!
  10. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    I'm going back to lurking. I've been extremely anxious and every time I contribute to the post count I get knots in my belly. I do not feel welcome on BYH, and it's getting the best of me. I'll see y'all in a few days. If y'all want to talk I'll be on fb, or you can email me...
  11. campingshaws

    I hate to say this but...

    :hugs :hugs
  12. campingshaws

    Pictures Thread

    Liz! And Mike! NOW FINALLY I have muscovy eggs. :weeeI was not expecting them to be so green? This is my third one, all three found in places outside the coop while the layers were still locked up. :clap Clockwise from green egg: muscovy, leghorn, banty cochin, new laying banty cochin, and...
  13. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    The whole staff will be here Monday. I can wait that long to put banties in the tractor right? I just feel really anxious... Hurry up and wait is not my strength. I want to move the tractor over by the garden before I put the birds in. Three hens, four pullets, and two roos. I think that'll be ok.
  14. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    She's half CCL, so that's why. ChicKat is working to get rid of the crest, so it's fun that you have one. Not looking good, that's for sure.
  15. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    At the bottom for me. Under the "active threads" tab.
  16. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    I've got to call it a night. Big group of 60+ frat guys coming in tomorrow, and I'm cooking for them! :th Y'all take care. Anyone else notice that granny is the most active thread? :gig:gig:gig
  17. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    Not too much. It can hold a bit of water, too. It's mesh, so doesn't affect airflow that much. I'm not sure of the breakdown, maybe a quarter marans. I'm super excited about the egg color. :fl I have one roo, one pullet, and one I'm not sure about.
  18. campingshaws

    Granny cant go 3 days

    I put an x at the lowest dip, so if one is rolled I can tell. I also clump them together, touching so that chicks can pop the cap off but not roll the others too much. That bumpy shelf liner helps, too.