I can't get the emails off. :barnie
Wish, there are definitely two sizes. I THINK it might have something to do with hatching pullet eggs, OR it might be genetic. Gyda is still much smaller than all the other hens. I was thinking today about keeping the small ones and working on a "bantam"...
Sally says flat for everything, because if there's fluid in the egg and you have the lowest dip facing up, then gravity pulls the liquid down and the chick can breathe when it pips. Upright and tilted there's still a chance it will aspirate fluid.
Mosquitoes are bad right now so I'm pretty covered. And I have great big veins just under the skin. You should see nurses grab my wrists and poke my veins. Their eyes get big like it's Christmas. :gig
Went out and got the brooders clean. I think I'm at 95% roos. :barnie But at least one of my Mavis babes is a pullet I think. She's twist's favorite color!