Daxigait, thanks for the advice. I don't think I'll be able to follow that protocol this time, as I think I missed the window and it's too late. But I'll definitely keep this for the future.
Sigh... so it looks like Nibbles is a step away from death... :( She went down HARD and FAST. This morning she was lying own and not really producing milk. I had given propylene glocyol last night and have been giving more all throughout today, along with peniccilin, and syringed water as...
Hmmm... I plan to buy one of those bucket multi-lamb feeders today and see how it goes. I'm going to try supplementing all 4, particularly the little ones, for a week or so and see how things go. I have two weeks' holiday starting today, so my son and I will be able to feed multiple times per...
I'm thinking of dosing her with 60ml of propylene glycol as a preventative measure for ketosis. She seems so lethargic and worn out... thoughts? I read on one site to do this (2 ounces) 3-4 times per day. I hope that if it is twin lamb/ketosis I've caught it early enough. She's certainly...
I'm going to get some alfalfa pellets tomorrow when the feed store opens (it's nighttime here now), but I have some alfalfa hay. A bit stalky, but there's lots of good leaf in it, even it kind of falls everywhere... I'll put it in a bin beneath her regular hay feeder to the leaf is collected...
Also, any suggestions re: how to manage quads? My initial thought is, because they're so small, she's a katahdin and she has a great udder, I will leave them all with her and supplement them.
That way i don't have a full-time bottle lamb, they get the benefit of being with their mum and I can...
After almost a week of intermittent labour, Nibbles the Katahdin had quads unassisted. I walked into the shed this morning to the sight of 2 ram lambs (4.5 and 5 lbs) and 2 ewe lambs (2 and 3.75 lbs). Super cute and lively as heck. Gotta love katahdins...
Anyhoo, ewe has a huge udder, but is...
Wow - I'm impressed that you got your lamb 'resurrected' after an hour! Makes me think that I should have tried harder with the 3 beautiful dead ewe lambs I had this year. I wanted them so badly... meh. I tried all the things you said, but maybe not long enough...
Lambs are bouncing around and super healthy and vigorous. Mum is pretty zombie-like. She hasn't been eating much in the last couple days due to the intermittent labour, so I'm pretty sure she's low on energy... Have to look into that. Is twin-lamb disease only pre-labour, or also post-labour...
Well, the mystery has been solved. Last night Patty the yearling delivered a huge 12 lb eweling after about 2hours later total, but after examining Nibbles and not being able to identify anything inside, I went to sleep and said 'to heck with it all!'
I skipped my 3AM check, and arrived at...
Here's the lowdown:
The suspect: Nibbles, a older-ish (specific, I know) katahdin ewe, who's had multiples in the past, including quads last year, only one of which survived due to crazy tangling and mal-presentations. I can't remember if she was late or early, but I THINK she was a day late...
Nice. I have 8 ewes, with 2 to go. In reality the only to who've needed 'fishing' so far have been two older ewes which I bred for the first time against advice, so it was my own fault, really. All the others have been fine, including 2 other first-timers.
I have two more to go, and they've...
So... disaster #2. My other Rambouillet had a HARD labour for many, many hours. Too long. Anyhoo, in the end she finally passed mucus plug and worked hard to get the lambs head only to the vulva. I probably should have done an internal earlier, but she had no fluid show of any sort and was...
So... she stopped labouring. I'm not sure what to do.
Never saw any mucus or waters, vulva never got 'filled up'. She just stopped labouring. She's happy as a clam right now. She does go through periods where she'll lay down and seem to be focusing, but nothing serious.
Not sure if it was...
So my little katahdin is on labour, and has been on and off for over 24 hours. Lots of stopping and staying, so I'm not overly worried about the duration.
However, I would do an internal to see how things are going but for the size of her vulva. It's tiny. Literally a couple fingers long...
Here are a few pics of Freckles and Nibbles, both currently in labour. Taking it slow both of them but hopefully will be pushing in a couple hours ...
Nibbles. The katahdin is likely having triplets or quads... Freckles... What do you think? Twins for sure but I think maybe triplets...
Baymule - this is my first lambing, so I haven't been 'into sheep' for very long. However, my two rambouillets have had their wool used in the past by wool co-ops, apparently. I'm not really interested in pursuing that route, nor is my wife. We do have a friend who owns a wool shop, so I...
So mum is now accepting both teeny black lamb and giant white lamb (3 days old but almost as big as my 2.5 week old bottle lamb!), so that's good.
I currently have 2 girls in labour, and one who's due today. Aahh... Nibbles is due today, but has been in 'labour' since yesterday morning, on...
Okay, so I had 4 days off from lambing, and tried to sneak in a few glorious nights of 7 hours sleep! I had obligations on Saturday morning, which is of course when Samba went into labour... she was due that day though, so it wasn't really her fault!
Anyhoo, my nephew came to the rescue again...