If your pasture/forage area has a lot of heavy brush then I would advise avoiding full time collars as they can potentially get hung up. Beyond that I would have to say we do use collars and have never had an issue.
What we have found with a dairy herd is that if kids are trained to it young they respect it. Wires spaced that far apart is not likely going to work.
After moving we put up electric and goats that previously respected it just walked through it.
Some could be diet related. But I would bet on low grade mastitis.
A buck is only an issue if one has bad dairy practice. Beyond that it is an old wives tale.
Yah well straw. Up until recent history there wasn't a single "peer reviewed study" that showed manure made good fertilizer. It is just recent history that WSU released one. So does that mean until very recent history our farmers didn't have a clue as to what was effective for them?
Mother goats establish the same rules for herd status with kids as they do for adults. So it is normal for a dominant herd goat to be rougher with lesser status goats kids. Just nature at work folks.