Hello....Just came across your post....we dont have a barn so we use our shelter for everything...13 x 24 ..feeding etc .We have a mud paddock fenced in front of it so we can save some pasture during the night.Pastures on both sides ...When we had only two horses hubby had divided it down the...
I babysat my girlfriends little PBP a couple weeks ago " cuddles " and I just loved it...he's so smart...i was kind of worried i would stress him out having such a big change in his routine but everything turned out good ...He slept in a dog crate with his pillows and blankie at night and...
I can hear my horse calling me ! "Excuse me ! Its past 7am !!! "I want to eat some grass ! " "Let us out " I wonder if the neighbours can hear him....I guess its better than a lawnmover on a Suinday morning.....I'd better go open the gate....
So I guess i'd better tell my hubby to shine up his Harley and go for a ride.....so i can get my Pot Belly Pig...because he says no all the time.........but come to think of it he is letting our daughter and I get two kittens for outside ? and he is going fishing with the guys next week?......
Hubby is scrapping the mud out of the mud paddock tonight with the tractor ..Mud up to my ankles....I think another storm is rollin' in....tomorrow morning he'll be burning is brush also....
I know what you mean by the saddle horn !!!
Thats the same things our trainer is telling me also...I am confident to some degree until he (the trainer) throughs something new at me...Like last night he asked me to jog around a circle of pilons and I would tense up and he was telling me I kept...
Thanks so much ! Singing has always calmed me down ...even when my babies were crying at 3am....and i tell you I am not a singer....ha ha ha !! What do you think about scratching his withers....I ask that because my daughter now takes english lessons and one of the girls in her class rides a...
Okay as most of you know in another horse thread I just bought my first horse at the age of 40 somethin'....Great horse,I have a trainer,took lessons and still taking lessons with this horse...
I know to to" de spook " a horse he has to be introduced to it(fly spray,blankets,plastic bags etc.)...
Yes you got it ! It is Magical...gives me goose bumps just thinking about it....He trys to please so much and when he does and I get it ...and then reward him with a big pat I can almost feel him go " Oh ya ! I'm good 1 we did it".....
Yes ! For me gone are the days that I can jump up on a horse....now I have to find a mounting block...My daughter just kills me watching her jump off and on ...But I love it so....
Yes he's mine for life ...I took a LOOOONG time in finding him...I paid the money but he's everything I want...I...
When we first moved to the country and daughter wanted a horse I took western lessons with her for two years....I enjoyed it....but I now wish I took lessons with horses that were not so dead broke .and adults ...no KIDS!!!! ......okay maybe started on horses that were dead broke and then...
That i LOVE my horse ....we had a lesson again last night and I was so very please with him....He's so well trained that I have to learn all his buttons.......at one point our coach/trainer was putting us through a course of poles on the ground and he wanted us to back up into...an " L "...
Wondering what happened?...We have a draft horse also....Belgian cross...I have the same advice for you...take someone that knows horses and knows you .Speaking from a person that DID NOT take someone with more experience...long story.....So they can put the horses through its paces and see you...