My daughter and i took western lessons when she was 8/9 yrs old until she was 10 ...almost 2 yrs ....I was doing it to have a mother daughter time with her and plus to learn myself...but OOOOh Vie!....we had one patient coach ....she 's a mom so she has been there done that .....she has nerves...
I HEAR you ! I am letting my 11 yr old daughter do whatever when ever she wants to do with her horse or taking lessons...just to be away from the city....I want her to get the horse bug BAD!!!....Right now she has a english lesson twice a week and she comes along to our western lessons also...
:yuckyuck A cougar ! I wouldnt have to find a spot to go ...if you know what i mean ....:lau
Thats funny I would be moving fast for the creepy crawler things also....
Oh my goodness :lau....Yes I can remember riding the tallest horse in the barn and thinking nothing of putting my foot in the stirrup its pop to advil and walk him to the steps ...and remember getting off the horse was a leg over and jump off now its ..."i'm so sorry buddy but i have to...
You just made me pee my pants !!!! :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :yuckyuck
Spit my coffee out !!! :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau
Okay ...breath .....Okay now I feel your pain also you knee's must really hurt too...
I will pee before tacking up and then once we tack up...
Good day everyone !!Hubby and i went for a trail ride locally this morning and we were talking and laughing because if we ever had to get off our horses we would be walking looking for something to get back up on them a ...rock...stump ...because his horse is over 16 hh and he has short legs... hubby was raised on a farm and cut and baled hay and stored it in the barn he knows about all that ....we used skids to store the hay in the plastic car shelter also....
Were dreaming about a barn ....nice big barn dream came true about owning my very own horse now my...
We dont have a barn to store hay in.For the last two years we have used a plastic car shelter but both times it didnt make it to the spring ..Dont tell our insurance person but right now its in the garage sister got a job this past spring at a place that uses alot of tractor trailers...
Hello Lupin ....We just came back from the cottage up in your area and i noticed there is alot of buck fencing in your area big pile of rock over there I'd the way thanks for the information on the tack stores ....went to the one in Peterbourogh...spelled wrong :/...Nice...
Yes my daughter has many also ....but he just loves that little bunny she'll place it with all her others and he'll go smell it out and bring it downstairs....all the slobber included ....