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  1. 2

    Should we or shouldn't we?

    OOOOh sorry to put a downer on this topic.....I have learned the hard way ....please reconsider .....for you and the horse's sake ....Last year I did it all wrong a 40 year old something adult....and bought a big ole Belgian cross ..15yrs old .....thinking i could change her ....I then...
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    OMG! My dog had her PUPPIES! new pics pg 5

    Thank you so much for letting me know ...I checked out your website ...its fantastic !!! What a wonderful place for an animal to live ....beautiful goats by the way !!!
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    Need assistance with Blind Calf

    Well I dont have any experience with cows but I have seen a blind horse ...she slowly went blind eye and then the other ...the owners put a bell on both the other horses halters ..and they had a donkey with a bell on the mare would follow them around ...they had to keep the hay...
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    Back to School!

    What a fine looking young man the sounds/looks of it he'll make a cool teacher ....and so will you my dear ....:thumbsup
  5. 2

    Back to School!

    As a Mom all i can say ....."Its the most wonderful time of the year " Can you hear me sing it .... My oldest is going into grade 10...dont know why because he "knows it all" now ha ha ha !!!!Youngest in grade 6 this year ....I have my 7 yr old nephew over for a couple days to help him get...
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    Good Morning!--Chat thread

    Oh I hate when that happens .....
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    Good Morning!--Chat thread

    OOOOH ! I just love boot suckin' mud !!!! Where my daughter takes English riding lessons ....she's only 11 ...they let the kids go out to the pasture to fetch the horse ....I dont feel comfortable letting her do that because theres maybe 20 horses/ponies in there.....and plus the mud comes up to...
  8. 2

    A Day in the Life of Chloe *pics*

    You know what Chloe really looks like a Chloe.....she's beautiful I love watching them play ....thanks for sharing your fantastic photo's ....carry the camera all the time !!!
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    Good Morning!--Chat thread

    Over here The skies opened up this afternoon while I was mucking the shelter ....I was trapped in the shelter with the horses ...who enjoyed all the extra attention ....Think snow snow snow !!!! But its again very hot ...
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    How many Trail Ride?

    Merci Beaucoup ! Lupin !!
  11. 2

    How to read a Billy Cook saddle serial number

    Merci Beaucoup ! Bronco Hollow ...Our mystery is solved ...
  12. 2

    Good Morning!--Chat thread

    WINTER !!!!!! :barnie I think the heats getting to you !!!!! Now shut your eyes and just think about 5pm and its pitch black out and the wind is going sideways and your out mucking or collecting eggs and you wish you brought your gloves ....and you slip and fall on some ice..... ]Go drink...
  13. 2

    How to read a Billy Cook saddle serial number

    Does anyone know how to read a Billy Cook Saddle serial Number ?I am posting this for a friend after i told her i checked out my Circle Y saddle serial number information ...we have looked on the net and cannot fine much information ....thanks
  14. 2

    Good Morning!--Chat thread

    Hey Wifey !!! OMG !!! wasn't it soooo peaceful.....??? The bad news is were doing my side of the family thing the same place week and my mothers going to be there !!!whaaaaaaaa !!!! I told hubby book a cottage for us ONLY!!!!! Here's to the brush hog "click of the...
  15. 2

    check out my new website and let me know what you think please!

    Very Nice .....You have a talent ...very beautiful artwork ....Live your dream:thumbsup
  16. 2

    Hello from NW Ohio!!

    :frow and :welcome from Ontario Canada ....
  17. 2

    Good Morning!--Chat thread

    Awww Gee hubby came back from his "guy's fishing week " with our son who's 15...tonight.....Back to reality .......Did miss him and son ....
  18. 2

    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    Hoping for a cool breeze for you !!! Its been so hot here !!!