Bronco Hollow ....thanks so much for all the information ..and advice .....I am making my list .....I think next time when we just ride down the rode I'll bring a cedar branch ...Love that photo !!!ha ha ha !!! me having to bend over to swat flies off his ears ...even with bug spray ...
Hey ! great information .....So I would like to get some saddle bags just for pleasure rides ...would you recommend the newer kind of saddle bags with insulation compared to the leather ?....
If you dont mind me asking whats Vicodin ? ...something for pain ? right?
A cashell riding mask? Like a...
I'm sorry about that ..How old is she ?..She's a beautiful horse ....Love her colour ...
My fella ...Tiny.....I just bought him end of June and supposely he's an easykeeper ...only eats hay and pasture ....But on the other hand our Arab cross is not an easy keeper ..she's the Diva ..she really...
Sedona ? was that the horse that was won through a raffle ? ...Did I read that somewhere on here...maybe it was BYC ..Maybe I am confused ? I am sooo tired ......she is very beautiful....and most geldings think there hot stuff...mine certainly does ...ha ha ha !!!
I'm sorry I am having a brain fart right now ...whats a LGD ? You wouldnt happen to have photo's of him ...just curious to see what these guys will look like ....mama 's beautiful....
With the Black Lab we just got 2 yrs ago ...a retired breeding dog ......who had 10 pups in her last litter.......the breeder had placed 5 pups in a laundry basket with a blanket mom had laid on and put a heat light over them and then she would let 5 nurse and do the switch ...I dont know how...
Was the bee's nest in the ground or hanging from a tree?What did the horse do ?...Did it get stung to? ...What would you put on a bee sting on a horse ?...same as a human ?....
Yes I have seen those cowboy hats in Magazines ...hopefully we will go to Congress this fall and pick two
laughingllama75 I am so glad your okay ....what a terrifiying situation ......That is my worse nightmare ...You have taught me a lesson by telling us your story .....even though I do wear my helmet ......I was wearing it because DD has to by law ....but now I will even wear it ALL the time...
Oh how cool !! :weee Thanks so much for giving us the updates as it goes ...almost like we were there ....Mama looks proud ....Congratulation ...Mother nature at its best ....What's the breed of the father ..? Does he know he has 11 babies ?....ha ha ha !!!! All the best !!! You did...
I am 40 somethin' a young girl living out west my dream was to have the black horse ...then my parents divorced and we moved to Ontario to the city...
When I met my country boy hubby living in the city our dream was to move back to the country .....
Our dream came true a couple yrs ago...
We love to trail ride ! time we go out I'll take along the camera ....Right now the bugs are sooooo bad !!!! The horse flies are crazy !!!!! Even the horses will not graze in the pastures close to the fence/wooded areas....and thats with bug spray on daughters horse looks...
Have i told you lately how much I love my horse ....last night was our best lesson together ...were really starting to click ....he's like a big ole Teddy Bear .....My daughter even jumped her horse for the first time ...she has only ridden western with her ...but has been taking English lessons...