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  1. pattyjean73

    herd advice needed

    thanks for all the opinions. Gives me some things to think about.
  2. pattyjean73

    Mini Breeds

    Thank you very much for the input. It sounds like you are doing something very similar to what I have in mind. Now as I understand it... having a variety of animals pasture together not only helps manage the pastures/paddocks but also keeps down the disease and parasite issues. Now I don't...
  3. pattyjean73

    Mini Breeds

    Thank you. LOL... Looks like I'll be making a visit with the extension office soon, alot of people have referred them to me on many of my questions regarding all the different animals I'm interested in. Any other input, suggestions, and advice is welcome and appreciated.
  4. pattyjean73

    Mini Breeds

    Thank you jhm. You're right, no matter how much you read, ask, and study... you just won't learn enough without the hands on experience. I'm visiting several neighboring farms to look at their set ups and talking to them about various things and asking lots of questions. I want to be as...
  5. pattyjean73

    Mini Breeds

    The only thing I have right now are the goats and a few baby chicks. I'm adding only one animal at a time in a slowly to make sure I don't get in too fast and have more than what I can deal with. I can adjust the number of animals... I'm just throwing out a number in regards to space...
  6. pattyjean73

    Mini Breeds

    even with them switching from one pasture to another? The two pastures together would equal 6 acres... just not used all at one time. I could just as well set up a 3rd 3 acre pasture and rotate every 5 days. Would that be better? What would be an appropriate amount of acreage for this set up...
  7. pattyjean73

    Mini Breeds

    As I understand it... 3 acres should support 10 goats, 10 sheep, and 3 mini cows, because they eat different things. Goats forage, sheep forbs, cows grass. Plus with letting the chickens free range in the pastures they'll help keep the parasites down and keep the herding animals healthier and...
  8. pattyjean73

    Mini Breeds

    I'm thinking about getting a small herd of mini cattle (1 Bull and 3 to 5 cows). We are a large family (family of 8) and we're interested in cattle for two reasons: 1. To assist in managing our land/grass 2. To provide part of our own meat and/or milk The animals are tended to by me (female)...
  9. pattyjean73

    I'm considering buying a buck....any advice?

    If you're only going to keep a few head of goats, just least a buck when it's time to breed. It may cost close to the same but you won't have a year's worth of feeding him and cleaning up after him. Plus you'd never have to worry about line-breeding to closely.
  10. pattyjean73

    All my goats

    They are all lovely. I really like the face markings on dixie.
  11. pattyjean73

    Goats or Sheep?

    I would say both. Goats will eat up weeds and brush but won't touch the grass too much therefore you'll still have to mow the area. Sheep on the other hand will eat the grass and won't hardly touch the weeds and brush. I'm SERIOUSLY considering getting a few head of sheep just for this...
  12. pattyjean73

    This deal was made especially for us!

    Oh how funny! Thanks for sharing.
  13. pattyjean73

    Good Morning!--Chat thread

    Good morning everyone. Although, its nearly noon now. Howdy!
  14. pattyjean73

    Just looking for opinions-- Dairy goats or cow?

    Goat milk tastes almost no different than cow milk. IMO it is slightly sweeter but I imagine that depends on what the goat is eating to a point. I love it! My DH and all but one of my 6 kids prefer the goats milk over cow.
  15. pattyjean73

    Silly question about a playground

    No kidding... so do i! ha ha
  16. pattyjean73

    Update! Ana had babies! Need opinions ASAP! See page 3

    Awesome! That's great news. Congrats on the two new arrivals. Pics Pics Pics
  17. pattyjean73

    How do I introduce new goats to my hersd?

    I'm just now into goats so I don't have any experience. But it seems to me that letting them run in a pen side by side for a week or two (after quarentine) will give them a chance to see one another and smell one another. I know my goats don't get distracted very easily during feeding time. I...
  18. pattyjean73

    Silly question about a playground

    I'm going to start working on a playground for my herd of goats. Wire spools, picnic tables, ramps, anything i can think of for them to climb on, jump over, and play "king of the hill" on. Any ideas for play equipment will be appreciative. I want to make it as fun and as interesting as...
  19. pattyjean73

    My new goats! Pictures+updates

    Nice looking goats. They're so cute! Yes indeed... post pictures of their new stable, run, EVERYTHING. All of us newbies need as many ideas as we can!