I'm looking for a doe or two that have black markings... caped, belted, spotted, or painted. Any age will do as long as they're not over 6yrs. I may have a buckling for partial trade if interested. If not, I'll have cash. If you have one please send me a pic and asking price please.
I am mainly interested in meat goats. But will also be keeping 1 maybe two milking goats as well. I will only have a small herd. I'm looking to have:
6 to 8 boer does
2 boer bucks
2 milk goats - currently have an alpine but thinking about getting a nubian too.
I intend to keep my bucks...
Yeah ducks do tend to cost a bit more. Maybe because they're not quite as common. But, I love a good roasted duck from time to time. Oops! ha ha That doesn't mean I can't enjoy the appearance of my breeding stock though now does it?
I personally like the nubians and alpines. The nubians can get to be a pretty good size but I'm not sure about the alpines. It seems to me it also depends on what kind of milk you want. Nubians produce less milk but more milkfat (similar to whole milk) to where alpines produce more milk with...
I have a metal trough with 4 sections. Originally I had it on the ground and of course they walked in it and urinated/deficated in it so I moved it up off the ground. That seems to have helped to some extent but not totally. I think I may still be feeding them too much. I'll start putting...
My memory sucks. I can't blame it on age. I'm only 35. And I've had memory problems for 35 years. I blame it on my mother. She's never had a good memory either and I think she passed that trait on to me. However, I am somewhat pretty organized. And I use outlook calendar like i breathe...
Blue Swedish Crested... s/he is just lovely! Now where would I find some of these beauties? I have GOT to have me some of them! ha ha ha I'll even take eggs and incubate them if that's the only way I can get them. Absolutely gorgeous! And I like things that are a bit different from the...
I like this theory. I'll certainly be giving it a test run. I have bad seasonal allergies to plants, weeds, grasses, and such. LOL... but amazingly, poison ivy doesn't effect me in any way shape or form. Go figure!
Funny thing... just about all animals (at least all the domesticated animals that I've handled) seem to praise and worship the food as their leader. ha ha ha and respect those that hand it out to them.
Great pics, beautiful family, and looks like alot of fun was had. Bet the cheese was good too! Weather has been crazy here in MO too. Yesterday I worked out in the goat barn and around the yard, set up a new goldfish pond etc. It was hot as hades and I got a minor sunburn. I decided no yard...
Yes I'm aware that bucks are "stinky".
Although there are alot of different theories. About half the people I talk to suggest keeping the buck seperated from the doe herd. There are plenty of viable reasons to do this as we all know I'm sure.
But the other half says to keep them in with the...
I'm beginning to agree with you on that. I was lucky, the ones I got weren't totally pasture goats so they were used to people being in their pen and near them. I just don't think that they were treated as pets per se. I would imagine a goat straight off the open pasture would take more time...
If you want a milk goat specifically, a nub/boer cross may not be the best option for you. As I understand it... boers don't produce much milk. In fact, often they don't produce enough to support a set of twins. Now I am a newby myself and just bought my first goat (4 of them). I want meat...
I got a pleasant surprise this morning...
I've been taking it slow with the goats. I'll drop enough grain in the feeder for them to hear and come running (although now they come running when they see me). They'll munch on the grain and I'll make a very evident point at letting them see me get...
I've read here and elsewhere that alfalfa hay isn't the best hay to feed goats. So what is the best kind of hay?
Baking Soda? As in arm and hammer baking soda from a grocery store or is there a special "goat baking soda"? And why feed baking soda?