After looking at tons of pictures... I think my two does are a bit underweight. What would be the best and the healthiest way to add some weight to these girls? I'd like to get them into prime condition before breeding them.
I'm hoping they'll come around. I bought them feed today. Just plain ole goat feed from my local feed store. I don't even think the bag had a brand label. Anway... I opened it and poured it into the container I have for storage. I had hoped they'd see, hear, or smell it and come running...
I'm in the learning process too. Trimming hooves really has me nervous. I will probably see if I can find a local goat herder around here come out and show me how to do it the first time.
I took a look at Billy's feet and his appear to be pretty good. Of course he is only 2.5 months old. I...
Pictures as promised:
This one is my boer doe: I haven't named her yet. For now she goes by "Momma"
This is her buckling: I named him Billy. He is 2.5 months
This is my boer yearling. Her name is Comet. I'm looking for a black headed herd sire for her and Momma.
And this is my...
I finally got my starting herd of goats. 2 boer does, 1 boer buck, 1 alpine doe. I still looking for a couple more does (found them just got to pick them up) and a herd sire.
I don't think they were handled much. If I walk up to them they walk away from me. Now once I get ahold of them...
Thanks for the information. I DID get some goats and will be going tomorrow to shop for feed and hay.
Side note: I didn't get the 3 wk old doelings, as it turned out, there was some miscommunication and they were all bucklings.
So what is a good grain? I've been told not to use sheep/goat feed because something is in it that sheep need but are bad for goats. Some say they use sweet feed. I saw at TSC that there is feed for just goats. I'm assuming that would be good? It was $12 for 50# which is 1/3 the price of...
It's official... I'm a goat herder now!
OK OK so its a small herd. But still... its a beginning!
A lady is moving and had to sell her entire goat herd. Well I certainly wasn't in a position to take ALL her goats, but she did offer me one heck of a deal so I came home tonight with 1 boer doe...
Ok I'm seriously considering some bottle fed boer babies. They are 3 weeks old right now and the seller is bottle feeding them twice a day. I will get the information about what and how much from her. She states that they'll be ready to wean in 7 weeks. So here are my questions.
1. What do I...
I have a pre-existing goat pen of approximately 2 to 3 acres. Already fenced in and everything. There is a lean-to type building out there too... fairly new and in great shape. But it only has two half walls. I don't see that as offering much protection. I may build it in or at least put some...
Wow... those seem so simple. I'm looking forward to getting some goats sometime soon. But I was trying to save money to build a big goat barn... thought that's what they'd need. But out here we have coyotes and I really love the idea of locking them in at night for security purposes. Lock...