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  1. M

    Mini Horses 2024 & 2025 kidding

    Time for a thread... Started today -- Inky gave me twin doelings🥰 It's dark ... Just got in from bedding mom & twins does born about 4ish. Plus closing another in her kidding stall -- where she was waiting and calling to me ( that's Brat for ya!). She'll kid 4-8 hr I'm guessing. Hay, water...
  2. M

    Identify this bush?

    See it all along the forests here -- curious. It has a long stem (like an elderberry) and when old enough does branch some. It sends up a large floral display, tiny white flowers, which look like someone stuck a bouquet up there. Now, those have turned into some dark purple berries.
  3. M

    Buy goat meat at WalMart.....

    Off work today and doing errands. Ran in to WM for couple items and as I was walking by a meat bunker, noticed some packages of liver and stopped to look. I was shocked to see the package next to it and had to read it after a double take....did I see it right??? "Bone-in Goat meat...
  4. M

    Beautyberry -- anyone?? Fly & mosquito control

    :DWalking thru my lower pastures this afternoon I came across a bush that I have seen in several places and often wondered what it was and, more importantly, were those beautiful berries a problem!? Today I broke off a small stem and came in to check it out. At first I was just going to say...
  5. M

    My TWO AGH gilts are -- update new piglets!!

    I bought them at 8 weeks, dutifully cared for them & bred them to the boars, who then went to freezer camp. Now Rosie & Tiny were a full year old before breeding (a few months later than originally planned) and should farrow on 12/1 & 12/5 They are sisters and always together. They have...
  6. M

    TIPS for tracking your escapees...

    I have animals -- they get out sometimes. Have always preached that they will return if given some time, hey, they know where the feed is!! Many, many years ago, I learned that training them to come to a "call" and a food bucket was critical. It is hard to find a black Angus at night...
  7. M

    AGH--Breeders & eating them

    I'm looking for opinions on the meat -- customers feedback, owners who have butchered for self. Have you had complaints or good reports to share? These guys do have more fat -- good if you want to render as it is supposed to be a super white fat & extra quality. Meats more marbled...