So, I'm going to order chickens, probably next spring...or maybe in the summer, but really I don't want to order any birds in the summer; with it being hot and all, but I might. Or I'll just incubate some chicks. I really haven't ordered any specific breeds in a long time and for a while now all...
So, I'm in a program and I'm going to be doing a presentation on Poultry and Egg science!
And I've got to choose from these topics to discuss:
Broiler Chickens
Chicken Breeds vs. Egg Color
Refrigerated eggs vs. Non-refrigerated eggs
Free range vs. Chickens held in houses
My mentor says...
.....SO. Our ewe had a lamb a day ago [its a girl] and I got so excited about the lamb...but then, it hit me. I COULD MILK THE EWE AND MAKE CHEESE AGAIN. So, I'm over here gettin' ahead of myself...then I realize; I GOTTA WAIT FOR ABOUT TWO WEEKS BEFORE I CAN DO THAT :barnie:hit
I am back with more questions as normal and I want to know what's (in your opinion and based off your experience) the best breed of rabbits. Answer below ⤵️
So, yesterday I was freaking out about my new chick hatching 🐣 and @Baymule @Beekissed @Tre3hugger @messybun all were very helpful.They all said one thing: DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO THE CHICK WHILE HATCHING IS IN PROGRESS!!!! Except @messybun who is very kind and seems to be just as wise. ❤️ Anyway...
Alright, so I am starting a new herd of chickens. Silkies if you must know. And we have chickens, but only one brooding hen. That's why I bought silkies! Well, my family said "To-hell-with-it" and will not tell me the secret ingredients for chick feed!
We normally make our...
Step one: order cuties.
Step two: read ship date and weep.
Step three: get brooders ready 10 days ahead.
Step four: stare at calendar until you fall asleep
Step seven: feel like a million dollars!
I am purchasing some black silkies! Probably 5 reds, 5 blacks, 5 white. I can't wait!!! I won't get them till June but I already fixed the chick brooder! What do you think of silkies? No Haters!!
Hello i am looking for informative books on:
*Hatching chicks
*and anything really.
Reply to this thread and I'll get back to you if I am interested
So, my lastest hobby is carving! With that said...does anyone have tips on making very pronounced edges? If so, you are my savior :bow some of my carvings this far are good but some look deranged.
Hi! So, I have a hen who is very light. And i am afraid she is sick with tuberculosis. She is one of our best laying hens, could it be she been mating with the boys to much and she's tired? HELP!
Alright, this is for u guys to get to know new sheep breeds and (ahem) brag about your current sheep. Get to it!
Ps. I have tunis sheep- excellent milk!
Edit: @Baymule here are my sheep!
Left to right: The big boys( the one looking at u is castrated.),
Pecan near his uncle, The girls and...
:loveDay 00004,
Hello my friends!!! So today I woke up like this! :caf so, I decided to edit my journal. I finally got my milk sheep comfortable with being milked! No more crying over spilled milk! Our pigs are break outs! But it is cold outside.🥶 only 44 degrees. Better than...
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