Hello: Ox-eye Daisy has taken over my pasture. I work diligently to pull it out but this year, it was everywhere. My sisiter suggested I use Preen but I'm not sure if that is safe for grazing for my 2 horses and 2 goats,
Thanks for any help.
Hey everyone:
I live in Western Washington and it has been a particularly rainy period. Does anyone have any ideas on keeping mineral block or loose mineral dry? I keep some out for free choice for my 2 Nigerian does. It is covered....on my porch where the girls like to hang out. ( Such a...
Hey everyone:
My 8 year old Nigerian Doe has started a really odd behavior. She has grunted before, especially when tussling with her sister. Last week i went to the shed to fill up the alfalfa pellets I keep on the porch for their evening snack. I give them a few to keep them away while I'm in...
I have to drive my goat with the broken leg to OSU large animal hospital for surgery to repair. I have traveled with her in the back of my car before but never more than about an hour. The weather is predicted to stay under 70 degrees.
If I get a Lixit for water, will she know what to do with...
I have posted a couple of times about my ND goat Shirley. 7 years old with a broken leg that is not healing. The bone break is too separated to generate any growth (been 5 weeks) Options are surgery with plates and screws to fuse the bone. I do not know success rate plus she may have to...
I posted a few weeks ago about my Nigerian Dwarf who broke her leg. It is such a clean break and just below the joint...the vet says there is no sign of bone growth after 2 weeks. Suggesting surgery with plates etc. Have you ever had this experience? Is it worth putting her through? What is...
One of my 2 Nigerian Dwarves broke her leg sometime on Wednesday. It is well splinted and she is isolated on my back porch. Her sister is on the other side of the child gate and keeps her company but she is sad.
I am not sure how long she needs to stay isolated. Can I get her out to some grass...
Hello--looking for some advice.
I got my goats after my dog had passed. They have shared space here on my property with a cat who comes to visit for months at a time and seem to have an "understanding."
I have a co-worker and parent of one of my students who has just changed jobs, and she feels...
Isn't this a lovely topic?
One of my nigerian does had a small lump that was growing very slowly. It was about the size of a small egg and located on her front shoulder near her neck. Our reg vet visit is a week away and hse did not seem bothered in anyway so I have just been keeping an eye on...
I have 2 Nigerian Dwarf goats. I see that they have developed beautiful thick winter coats but I want to make sure that they have all that they need to stay warm and healthy. I am unemployed at the moment so I cannot do anything grand but they each have a Dogloo doghouse with straw...
Today was lady mama's last day with us. She had a gorgeous day of sun and everything she enjoyed eating. She was dispatched quickly by gun shot and her remains will be honored by the man who did the deed. She was such a great companion all summer. Just like a big dog. FYI..the butting...
Today was lady mama's last day with us. She had a gorgeous day of sun and everything she enjoyed eating. She was dispatched quickly by gun shot and her remains will be honored by the man who did the deed. She was such a great companion all summer. Just like a big dog. FYI..the butting...
'My Ewe and her older lamb have been with me since June. I was told then that she might be pregnant. If she is, she would be due by the end of this month. The other ewe that was in with the ram at the same time as her delivered almost 3 weeks ago. She has just started butting my Nigerian dwarf...
My Pregnant Ewe (Kat/Dorp mix) dropped all of her fleece this summer but it is mid October and I do not see much growth happening. I am in Washington State and temps have definitely dropped. Her older lamb never did lose her top fleece. The goats and horse have their winter coats already...
I am quite new to herding animals. This summer I purchased a pregnant ewe and her older lamb, (Kat/Dorp mix) and a few weeks later, 2 young Nigerian Dwarf Does. Everyone has gotten along beautifully, until recently. The ewe..if she IS pregnant as I was told she might be, is due by the end...