Search results

  1. canesisters

    American Bresse

    I was doing some research on cornish X and stumbled across some info on American Bresse. Does anyone know anything about this breed? They are supposed to be almost as fast growing as cornishX - ready in 16weeks instead of 12. Averaging about the same weight at processing. BUT, supposedly the...
  2. canesisters

    Snow plow

    I just thought this was great. 😂
  3. canesisters

    Canesister's 2025 journal - Bushel & Peck Farm

    It's Jan 2, about 32° this AM. Clear and going to be about 45° today. Januarys are always full of new hopes & dreams & promises & plans. 2023 started off with a cleaning & refresh of the barn that has made a huge difference in my ability to get chores and projects done. Adoption of Birdie...
  4. canesisters


    Does anyone know if this is just a Florida thing or if it happens other places? On another thread, someone mentioned a breed of sheep called Cracker. I've known of Cracker horses & Cracker cattle. Are there Cracker pigs? Goats? Where does that name come from anyway? A region?
  5. canesisters

    Building a pantry

    What are your top 10 MUST Haves in your canning pantry?? If you can only put up a maximum of 10 different items, what would they be?
  6. canesisters

    Random chicken question

    I've just had one of my odd 🤔 "What would happen if" questions occur. Everyone agrees that you can't keep Cornish cross from season to season and let them breed. Not breeding true. Health issues as they age. Etc. So my question is; Could you keep a young rooster Cornish cross with a flock...
  7. canesisters

    Canesisters 2024 journal

    What in the world will 2024 become. Starting off with a bit of a bang. Mid-Jan we had a once in 20yr (or longer, I hope) storm. 3-5" of rain in only a few hours. Flooding everywhere. Flooding at work. Tanks floated from behind the shop to the gate. Neighbor business' dumpster is just gone...
  8. canesisters

    Goat herd reduction

    I'm starting this thread to help out a friend. I'll post info as I get it & will either pass questions & answers back & forth or will put you in touch. Located between Petersburg & Blackstone VA. 1 registered Boer billy 2 bucklings 4 year old billy 6 pregnant does This is the boer 4 yr old...
  9. canesisters

    Talk to me about solar fence chargers

    I was on a SUPER-TIGHT budget when I first started out, and so my only fencing option was electric wire. While I'm in a much better situation now, re-fencing with a nice woven wire livestock fence is still out of the question. The past couple of summers I've put a good bit of effort & time into...
  10. canesisters

    Gilmanor is this weekend

    I JUST realized (unless my calender is wrong?) that the big farm swap at Gilman Farm is this weekend!!!! Anybody planning to attend???? I might have to work. If so, I'll be WAY too late to see/get anything good.
  11. canesisters

    Driving for fun

    Does anyone have any experience teaching an adult animal to drive? I have ZERO experience with driving any sort of animal other than playing around with a pony & long lines many, many, many years ago. So I know that I've got a lot to learn before I even think about teaching Eva to drive...
  12. canesisters

    TICKS (and flies) on cows

    Flies aren't a problem yet, but I'm picking ticks off the cows like crazy. Daily spray-on isn't practical since I leave the house before the sun is up & the cows are usually still asleep in the woods. I've tried Ulta Boss pour-on, but haven't seen much of a change in the number of ticks. I'm...
  13. canesisters

    To Roll or not to Roll????

    Quick question for anyone who wants to chime in between now (4:15) and 6:30ish when I get home and do one or the other I've waited as long as I can - the bale in the ring out in the pasture is down to the last bits & pieces. I've got no choice but to un-tarp the bale on the wagon and give it...
  14. canesisters

    Taking goats cramping This is cool. And they seem to all enjoy it.
  15. canesisters

    Goats for fire prevention

    Saw this today & thought some might enjoy it Goats for fire prevention
  16. canesisters

    Black Oil Sunflower Seeds

    Like everyone else, I'm struggling sometimes to find the feeds I prefer on the shelves of my local store. If I wanted to add BOSS to Eva's heavily beet pulp diet as a boost of protein when my preferred pellets are out, would I just grab a big bag from the bird feed section?? Anything special I...
  17. canesisters

    Can I see your feeders?

    Just kind of 'thinking out loud' and wondering if my girl is just being a spoiled brat, if this is 'normal', or if maybe something is up? My Eva is a lone cow. She seems to do very well without a permanent herd, really doesn't seem to care. Every other year she has a calf that I raise up to...
  18. canesisters

    Tractor Supply chicken feed & egg production?

    Has anyone seen anything about T.S. feed causing chickens to stop laying? I don't watch the news at all.. ever, so if this has been a thing, I'm just hearing about it. A friend texted me with a big scary warning. When I asked for more info I got nothing back. I did a google search and it...
  19. canesisters

    Canesisters 2023 journal - turning my Disasters into Delights

    I have neglected my farm. There. I said it. In front of other farmers. :hide I've let messy become Oppressive. I mean hoarder kind of "messy". It's embarrassing & is sucking any pleasure and joy out of doing the things that the farm is FOR. I can try to blame it on the dire straits that I...
  20. canesisters

    Pact to do creative 'thing'

    I was grousing with a friend about how neither of us ever seem to do anything anymore just for the fun of it. So we made a pact to do some creative thing every day. Mine is a bunch of little bitty paintings on a desk calendar. I saw this on facebook somewhere. You just put drops of paint...