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  1. Ruus

    Trimming a scur

    One of my ewes has a scur that's growing back around into her eye. I didn't think it would grow long enough to be a problem, but this spring it seems to be exploding out of her head. It needs to be trimmed, and I'm wondering if I should get a vet to do it or try to do it myself. Is trimming a...
  2. Ruus

    Aborted lamb

    I posted a few hours ago about one of my ewes that was in labor without having any sign of an udder. She delivered a dead lamb about an hour ago that had obviously been dead a long time, even though she carried it full term. She passed a splat of brown goo right next to it. Any ideas what...
  3. Ruus

    Is this a mucus plug?

    One of my ewes started giving off classic signs of first-stage labor around noon yesterday, which really surprised me, since I'd concluded she wasn't pregnant. She has no bulge, and no udder at all that I can see. She was avoiding the other ewes, pawing the ground, squatting frequently, etc and...
  4. Ruus

    Jugging before lambing?

    The first of my ewes is due to lamb in about a month. The night pen for the ewes is 10'x10', and houses three ewes and a wether. The ewes are around 75 pounds; the wether is a little bigger but I don't think he's over 100 pounds. I'm worried that if a ewe lambs at night while they're all in the...
  5. Ruus

    Sheep not drinking?

    The water level in my sheep water tubs never seems to go down, should I be worried about them? While they were on pasture I assumed they were getting all they neded from the grass, but they've been on hay for quite a while now and they still don't seem to be drinking. The water is kept clean and...
  6. Ruus

    Sick or just cold?

    When I went out this morning to let the sheep out, one of my ewe lambs was trembling. It was around 25 degrees, so I wasn't sure if she was just cold, but she has the heaviest fleece of my ewe lambs and none of the others seemed bothered by the temperature. She was otherwise acting normally...
  7. Ruus

    Ram peeing on himself?

    Every morning for the last week or so when I let the sheep out I've noticed that the minute my ram comes out of the gate he stops, pulls his hind legs way up under him, arches his spine, and sprays his front legs/belly with urine. I know goat bucks pee on themselves during rut, but I've never...
  8. Ruus

    Lost scrapie tag

    One of my girls lost her scrapie tag this afternoon, and I was wondering if I legally had to replace it if she doesn't leave my farm? She wasn't born on my farm, so it's not my flock ID#, and her number is also on a metal tag on her neck chain. I've tried looking on the Kentucky dept. of ag...
  9. Ruus

    How to deal with rams and ewes together?

    I'm just getting ready this year to get my first sheep. Because I only have one field fenced and no way to segregate rams from ewes, my plan was to buy three young ewes this year and not worry about a ram until next fall. However, when I purchased my ewe lambs, the breeder insisted on giving me...