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  1. T

    Hairless Goat?????

    Well I thought I'd give an update on Duck. He's growing, though still behind his twin. Holding his own with the other kids in the pasture, though not as lively. Other than his "goat sweater" he not getting any special treatment. On cold or sunny days, he eats, plays for a little while and...
  2. T

    Hairless Goat?????

    Only thing known is its twin was normal. The mom was bought at an auction. My friend has bought it a doggie sweater, LOL. I have an idea that if weather becomes a problem, Duck will be brought into the house. They were thinking genetics also. They were talking about line breeding to see if...
  3. T

    Hairless Goat?????

    Well Duck (as in ulgy duckling) is about 6 weeks old and growing. He's not quite as active as his brother who seems completely normal. There's no sign of goiter on him or his mother (who was pregnant when bought, kidded 4 days after purchase). Biggest problem he seems to have is the sun...
  4. T

    Hairless Goat?????

    Friend had twin kids born a feww weeks ago. One was normal but the other was weak and only had hair on about half of its body. Was wondering if anyone had heard or seen anything like this. Hoping the pic shows up.
  5. T

    Need some help

    Doesn't look like the little fellow is going to make it. It was never able to stand for over 2 minutes at a time. At the third feeding it wasn't really interested in the bottle. As of now it shows no interest at all in eating, has trouble holding its head up, and has the scours. No vets in...
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    Need some help

    Thanks ksalvagno, I should have thought of the yogurt. I've got 2 young squirrels that I'm feeding milk mixed with yogurt, (the yogurt cleard up the diarrhea ). Do you feel the half and half will be to rich for his system? 3 hours after his first feeding he took a full 2 oz. Already seems...
  7. T

    Need some help

    Thanks for the advice CM. Not sure how long it's been born but as of 30 minutes ago it was still having trouble standing. Tried to milk Mom for the colostrum but could not get anything. I don't believe her milk has come in. Weighed the little fellow, an even 3 lb. Went and got some half...
  8. T

    Need some help

    I bought a very poor goat to help clean up around here. She was doing a great job and beginning to get fat (I thought). Heard her bleat and went to check on her, she had a doe kid that's problably only 3-4 hours old. I've raised a little of everything but haven't been around goats for 40...