I just saw an ad:
Goat Milk Colostrum Supplies the Body with Immune Factors and Is Easily Tolerated by Most. Our 24 hour Colostrum Comes from Our Small, Family Farm in Washington State. Highlights: A Small & Family-Run Farm, Serving Since 1928.
Some farms sell it via internet. I will see who...
I dont know who would have colostrum. May be other goat farmers that may sell milk. I will reach out. I was trying to get hold of the C&D Antitoxin. Are you familiar with it....if no colostrum anywhere?
I posted pics and an update a few moments ago. Take a look.
Thanks much.
Hello Mini Horses
Gabriel gets fresh and frozen goat milk I purchased from another goat owner.
He was tubing today but before i had to work his temp was up and he was alert and
Yeah...this is Wednesday morning...8:15 am.
-Gabriel is still here. His temp on Tuesday morning was in the 98 degree...
He is getting fresh goat milk from another goat owner. He gets goat electrolytes with dextrose. He has glucose issue. He urinates and poops. No diarrhea. I gave selenium and vit e paste over weekend. Said too much selenium not good. I have given him fort vitam b complex injection.
Hellö JesusFreak101
Gabriel's temp was 100 yesterday. This morning it was 99 then 98. I read about raising temp so i put him in bag in tub of warm water. Temp went to 100 range. I then had thout to use my blow dryer. The kind you sit under. I bundled him up and positioned it over his mid section...
I was told originally to put honey on gums or under tongue for boost. It worked then didnt. I just decided to warm some honey and place in his electrolites.
I gave Fortified B Complex but read that in his situation best to have Vit b12 injection and Vit B1. Saw online an...
Hello Baymule
My goats had never been milked. I tried to milk her days later but nothing. Another goat owner provuded me with fresh and frozen goat milk. I will definitely tie up the mother the next time.
Each time I go back to Gabriel I think he will have passed...but he hasnt. He has made...
Have newborn 5 days old. Mom rejected. Curved Foot. Gave Kid Goat Powder Colostrium from Tractor Supply. Was walking and talking then about 3 days later not. Went downhill. Dehydrated. Took to Vet. Gave fluids, 50% Dextrose 50%, Vit B Injectable, Nuflor, Bo-Se. Vet said Kid has issue maintaining...
We are going on Christmas vacation for one week. How can we find a sitter that will come to our place to feed, give water and check on them?
Maryland-*Charles, St Marys or Calvert County.
I have an enclosed stable with 3 separate sections for my goats with their own water buckets. Beside the stable is a small building with electric.
Their water was icy yesterday morning.
How can I keep their water from freezing? I have seen the buckets with cords but i would need 3 and an...
I have an enclosed stable with 3 separate sections for my goats with their own water buckets. Beside the stable is a small building with electric.
Their water was icy yesterday morning.
How can I keep their water from freezing? I have seen the buckets with cords but i would need 3 and an...
I have an enclosed stable with 3 separate sections for my goats with their own water buckets. Beside the stable is a small building with electric.
Their water was icy yesterday morning.
How can I keep their water from freezing? I have seen the buckets with cords but i would need 3 and an...
My goats are pets.
Do you have to milk a milk breed? At what age?
I do have a local nearby vet for livestock and i would phone in for assistance and ask what needs to be done ahead of time. I actually can change my schedule a bit if necessary to come home midday. And have an teen daughter who...
How did all go with the pregnant doe?
I am interested in a fainting goat and learned of a doe but she is pregnant and I am a little nervous on should i purchase her.
I have 5 goats all under 8 months.
What recommendations do you have?
I am in the Southern Maryland area and looking for a Fainting Goat to purchase. I prefer doeling or buckling.
I responded to an ad and really liked this 2 year old small goat with the colors I wanted. In later talks with owner it was mentioned that doe had been exposed to a male goat in August...
Good evening ALL,
I am soo sorry to report that my baby sheep died within 1 1/2 days of purchasing her.
I purchased her from a flea market. I was sooo happy to make the purchase. She may have been like 2 months, said they were selling for a neighbor. I asked what did she eat and they showed...
Good evening ALL,
I joined some time ago because it had been my desire to have a few farm animals. Just got them. 2 goats one week and the baby sheep the next week. However, I am soo sorry to report that my baby sheep died within 1 1/2 days.
I purchased her from a flea market. I was sooo...