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  1. N

    need advice

    Thanks it seems pretty clear now.I actually tried to buy the baby but there was a language barrier .I think they can get him for not providing proper care a class a misdemeanor and torture by their definition that's a state jail felony.I don't think they could get me for stealing I called them...
  2. N

    need advice

    Hello,not sure where to post this.I need advice from people who have had more dealings with this than me...Here's what happened.About two months ago I called the sheriff and/humane society on our neighbor(well the guy with a field next to our house)He had 3 horses in the field with no shelter no...
  3. N

    1st calf questions

    Ive got him on the probiotics and electrolytes.He was way less snotty today almost clear and his eyes were clear for the first time ever i think.He still has a cough but sounded clearer in his breathing today just hope it didn't set in real deep.He is still eating getting up and around good.I...
  4. N

    1st calf questions

    Ok,got him past the scours .Now I think he has pneumonia and possibly the start of bloat.He's snotty and coughs some and has now started grinding his teeth his eyes are discharging.He was pretty sunk in behind his rib cage but it has filled in the last 2 days way to fast I think maybe the start...
  5. N

    pot litter questions?

    I got a breed potbelly a while back and she had them today.I was told it was her second breeding and to expect 4-6 probably closer to 4 she had seven is this a normal litter size for potbelly's and do you normally get more after the first few breeding's?Also I see people that say there...
  6. N

    1st calf questions

    He's a shorthorn(red and a little white).The one that died was a Holstein.Or so I was told but I think they were/are.He has started pecking at grass and yesterday for the first times he took some alfalfa out of my hand after the starter.Sounds like he's on the right track now I can take the time...
  7. N

    1st calf questions

    Hello,I got my first calves the other day kinda on a whim they were in bad shape and figured I would try and save a couple.First one died the next day really didn't get a chance to do much for him.Our area is not very livestock friendly we couldn't locate a vet that would even look at a calf I...