I only keep collars on a couple of my girls. The majority let me just slip on a temporary collar when I need to but I have couple that, once they catch wind that I'm catching and not just petting, they're out of there!
I haven't had a lamancha but I do have a Nubian doe and will be getting another one, plus some of my boers are Nubian X, I just love their big floppy ears. Lamanchas kind of creep me out or remind me of frostbitten ears :hide
Right now my barn is still empty for the most part, last year I had all panels so that was all taken down but Ill try and get a drawing up of my planned layout also.
I look forward to seeing it, I love see other people's layouts. They had a major influence on my building plans. :cool:
The same could be said about storing hay inside anywhere, but done properly its a great tool.
Just to clarify weather tight and ventilation can be taken as two different things. Personal example, snow comes in sideways here always from the northwest, my pole barn that was (finally) constructed...
How tall is your building? If its tall enough you could have a loft of some sort, which would open up a lot of room. May be something to consider since you can always make a barn wider but it would be a bugger to make it taller. :lol:
Congrats on your new rabbit! Also it's great that you were able to get a garden in, I simply didn't have the time this year. I haven't had one yet and its been tough trying to deicide where to actually keep one. Hopefully next year though!
I know this is kind of an oldish thread but I'm curious, is there a place that one can send mohair to, to sell or anything? I was very briefly considering angora's or alpacas for down the road but I don't have the time, skill, or patience to do anything with the mohair. Or even a place to have...
You are so lucky that you have them! In my part of north Dakota, we've been getting every sort with the bakken oil boom. Lots of strange vehicles driving by, when I used to know every vehicle. I don't have a LGD, wish I did though since I don't think my llama would defend against a human but he...
Thanks :hugs. It helps knowing that sometimes this will just happen, not a lot of people in my area keep goats so not much support here haha. I haven't had much of a chance to see them today yet, but last night the majority seemed to be doing fine, being their snoopy/curious selves. I had a lot...
Sorry if that sounded accusing, its wasn't supposed to lol :hugs not in a great state of mind right now, numb actually. I've lost 7 of my babies, probably 2-3 more by tomorrow, since Saturday. I have them all on corid, they have all been dewormed with a wormer the vet recommended vs the cheap...
That's great that it works for you, would be such a relief if I could just do that again this year but I lost every triplet I had this year (other than the ones that I bottle fed and eventually gave to other families). Due to mother rejecting them and I wasn't there to catch it or to the recent...
I wanted to have one doe in milk for when the rest of my goat herd starts kidding, so that I can feed any extras.
This year I'm taking away anything more than two, I let a couple of them keep their triplets but realistically only one of them was able to comfortably raise three, ironically she...
It's going to be quite the experience, that's for sure. I bought one Nubian doe a month ago or so who will be bred end of October so that one wont be so bad. I am purchasing another Nubian doe who is currently visiting a buck, so she will have a Januaryish due date......coldest month for us...
I have been wondering this also, great to hear that its more how you handle the milk. I think I'm going to be putting my buck barn to the north of my main barn, and was worried that the smell might drift down to my barn...or something. The wind almost always blows to the south east, which would...
My first year that I kept goats, I cut all the bucks, and it really wasn't an experience I wanted to repeat...so I tried banding. I tried doing a couple myself and it went pretty good but it was far easier with another person. We would sit the goat down on his butt and one person would grab two...