So sorry to hear that. Bless your heart hope you heel quickly. And since I'm new to the goat world I really don't have anything to ad, but I do agree with spraying her and if that doesn't work the prod could do it. Good luck.
We love to grow everything possible! Lol. We grow potatoes, onions, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, bells, spin ache, asparagus, squash both summer and butternut, beans multi varieties, carrots, tried parsnips this year and sweet potatoes. I think I got them all. Lol
Hi MSDEB,we have Boer goats, buff orpingtons, Americana, and two barred rock chickens. We have New Zealand with Flemish genes, but not too noticeable to me, but they are a bit larger which is good! :-). Thanks for the warm welcome!!!
We are a family who works hard to stay afloat. We are trying to become as self sufficient as possible by growing gardens, this year was our 16th year to have a garden.YUM! We have chickens, rabbits, and now new to the goat world too.
Hello from the JAF farm. We are newbies with our boer goats, we currently have two registered 100% boer does, and then bought a 9 month old who isn't reg. %age unknown.
We are wanting to breed this December to plan for the kids in early spring. However, we have one 3 yr old who has kidded...