Our dog had a huge cyst removed from her tail (Tennis ball sized -small dog). The vet wanted to just remove the tail, but we resisted. (A dog needs to wag)
He opened it up so it would drain. Because it came up so quickly he did not expect it to ever heal, that it would always be an issue.
How do they feel about baths then?
I believe they would get quite a few.
How long does rut last? Just while the does are in estrus?
I have so much to learn.
@Happy Chooks said that you all have a bee thread.
So, I flew over from BYC to check you out.
I was thinking that we all use honey for a lot of remedies.
Would you all post your cures that use honey?
Onion sliced thin and covered in honey will make a juice that helps my asthma. It also...
I am 3goodeggs over at BYC and the the bee thread said you all accept bees as a herd now. That's great, because I am nowhere ready for dairy goats yet and I wanted to join you guys!
And... maybe I will sneak a peek at the goat threads to better prepare for when we are ready for them.
We had...