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  1. B

    Feeding corn husks to pregnant cows?

    Umm, I'm pretty sure beans aren't in the nightshade family. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplants are, though. HTH!
  2. B

    Does anyone know...can you feed a baby raw cow's milk???

    Chickennoodles, I can tell I'm going to enjoy reading your posts.:) Whether raw cow milk is safe regarding bacterial pathogens or not, it is not an appropriate source of nutrition for infants <1 year of age. This link- -tells why...
  3. B

    Hi! I'm new here!

    Thanks for the welcome!:)
  4. B

    about our members

    (copied from my intro thread) My name is Megan and I live in MT with my hubby, 2 kids (DD is 2 1/2, DS is 10 months), border collie, 2 kittens, 39 chickens, and 2 guineas. Oh, and a whole mess of black Angus. I just got the chickens this year, and so far I love them. We've been tossing...
  5. B

    Hi! I'm new here!

    Hey all! My name is Megan and I live in MT with my hubby, 2 kids (DD is 2 1/2, DS is 10 months), border collie, 2 kittens, 39 chickens, and 2 guineas. Oh, and a whole mess of black Angus.:) I just got the chickens this year, and so far I love them. We've been tossing around the idea of a...