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  1. Bohemian_Liz


    A pictorial would be awesome!! The part that makes me the most nervous is cutting around Is there a better, more technical way to say that?
  2. Bohemian_Liz

    Checking Teeth

    Hi! I know that I need to be checking my buns teeth to insure they dont get overgrown, and so that I can correct things before they are a problem. We keep our buns in wire cages, but do give them things to chew on (untreated wood, etc.) But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to check...
  3. Bohemian_Liz


    Oof- I wish I would have gotten mine younger. 10 weeks is still enough time for them to be a bit human averse. Oh well. We'll just keep working with them. Ive got time :) So, I do have a weird question- and I'm posting this in UT just in case anyone is lurking. But I am REALLY interested...
  4. Bohemian_Liz

    Rabbit Poll

    I raise mostly for compost. My biggest goal this year is to have a thriving garden. Secondary purpose for meat. Rabbits are definitely one of those animals that are beneficial from almost any angle :) I'm so excited to raise them!
  5. Bohemian_Liz


    Our does will be 3 months old next week. So we plan on getting a buck in about two months. Ive read that after 6 months is the ideal time to breed? We'll DEFINITELY be quarantining any new animals :) I've seen what can happen when that isn't done from our experience in fostering kittens with...
  6. Bohemian_Liz

    New to Meat Breeding Rabbits in Utah

    Hey yall! Liz from Utah here. We are just getting started with Meat Rabbits and bought some sister New Zealand White's a couple weeks ago. Our plan is to purchase a buck once our gals reach 6 months. I've had experience with Chickens when I was younger with my parents. Our goal is to add...
  7. Bohemian_Liz


    Thanks! Right now I have two New Zealand White does. Hoping to add a buck once these two are old enough to breed.
  8. Bohemian_Liz


    Hi! I know this thread is crazy old, but I didn't see any others for Utah :) Im here too! Currently raising rabbits, but hoping to expand to chickens, and then someday, if all my wishes come true- goats! I have so much that I need to learn on all of this and would love to pick somebody's...