Oka belle has clear fluid comeing out of her tail is soaked she had some mucus stuff this moring she lost her muscus plug last Friday so is this her water?
Oka I think my belle is close oka she is goat that hates being pated in messed every time I go check on her she usually tries to dart out the door now she just lays there doesn't even try to get up she even let me scratch a ear in feel asleep on me she grunts getting up now in you got to make...
Got some good news while I was so worried about belle my other doe surpised me she lost her muscus plug last nite I went out to check on belle in my other doe had a long mucus string hanging from her I watched I in then the bubble appeared lol in out pops 2 lil doelings in one buckling that was...
My accounts seem to been deleted ever seven days that why there are so many accounts cause I have to make a new one then when I post one thread it repeats it it just wont load on here im not trying to be annoying its just sometimes nothing appears the goat spot doesn't do this
She lays down but for a couple of mins then jumps up she now props up on her knees they get all stock sweet feed rolled oats sunflower seed 2nd cut mixed hay minerals baking soda
Well she lost her muscus plug last Friday she had discharge for awhile her udder is firm in tight I cant find her ligs it was the same has last night but last night she acted like her legs hurt mainly her right leg it would give out she would limp around today her left hind leg in right front...
Umm I got a question bout my very pregnant goat she is due any day in she stands up al day dosent hardy lay down now im thinking her legs in feet are hurting her I trimed them a week ago she keeps switching legs like holding them up to her body im confused I clean them out in everything can...
Well my girls are meat goats so they do not like there udders messed with I just find it easier to use milk replacer then fight with them they kick up a storm if I grab down there in they are first fresher so I figured they wouldnt have much milk anyways from what I read mayb Ill try to milk...
I have two does to kid I will being bottle feeding since I find the kids to be tamer then dam raising oka I have for goats adance kid milk replacer with all milk protein it has enhanced flavor in aroma acidified added vitamins and minerals And the colostrum replacer is for...
My doe her udder is full tight she lost her mucus plug sunday night has had some dischage or clear fluid come out off in on she is very restless she is at 149 days is she gonna kid soon