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  1. M

    Selling Siblings

    I would wether them both and sell as wethers. You will probably lose the sale if breeding them together is their goal, but they would probably breed early and that is not good either.
  2. M

    Affordable goat fencing options?

    Every goat is different. I have 1 ND wether, that gets out just for fun. He scales the fence, the only thing we have found that stops him is having pallets in the areas he climbs. I don't exactly know how it works, I'm almost thinking it is because he can't see through them? My pygmy wether...
  3. M


    Well, I guess I know what I am doing after work today...more work!! :-)
  4. M


    Which way do the slats go? Vertical or horizontal? Not sure if this will work with mine, he's hitting the top part when he jumps.
  5. M


    Where did you put the pallets? My fence is about the same height as a pallet, so unless I put them on top I don't know how much it will change.
  6. M


    Mine is chasing me. The reason for the rope is because I work away from home everyday. I would prefer that he be there when I get home. I am unable to get hotwire until the end of the month, so I was looking for suggestions otherwise. He is about a year old, plenty of browse and water.
  7. M

    Doe head-butting and rearing up - stop playful behavior?

    I thought I read somewhere that if you bred two polled goats then there is a birth defect that you get? Can't remember exactly? Maybe it was just one breed?
  8. M


    I aquired a 1 year old wether today. His former owner said the reason she was getting rid of him was that he was getting out and she didn't know where. She said he had been a bottle baby also. My question is, how do I keep him from wanting to get out? Tonight he had one time where the got...