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  1. GitaBooks

    family dog

    Purebred dogs are great, since you know what you are getting and you are getting a puppy so you can raise them in your environment and to know the rules of the house. If you feel called to get a purebred puppy then go for it. However, I did want to say that since I work at a rescue and...
  2. GitaBooks


    The two chicks look like Easter Eggers, two look like they could be Welsummers, I'm not sure about the Black one but it could be an Australorp and the red one a Red Star or Rhode Island Red. The black and white one could be a Silver Laced Wyandotte. It's hard to tell but fun to guess. They're...
  3. GitaBooks

    Everything a goat novice needs to know?

    I love chickens! I have a flock of my own and they rock! We've also had goats, and they are so mischievous and intelligent. What would be the best dairy goats? Best tasting milk? What gives the most ? Can the milks be mixed? ....... It really depends on your individual tastes, but they do say...
  4. GitaBooks

    Rabbit books

    I'll put that on my list. Thanks. : )
  5. GitaBooks

    Rabbit books

    Thank you so much for the responses! I've used any rabbit book I could get my hands on, but our library doesn't have that much variety. We also use to have a pet rabbit a few years ago and she taught me a LOT about their care. I've pet-sat for my friend who owns rabbits also. Lots of ways to...
  6. GitaBooks

    Rabbit books

    I was wondering, what are some of the best rabbit raising books out there? I've found a few good ones, but not a large number. What are you favorites and which ones had the most realistic and helpful information? Its part of a study I'm doing to read all I can on the different animal raising...
  7. GitaBooks

    New here!!

    Welcome to the forum! So glad you could join! : ) Adorable kiddos there.